Want to run a King's Quest game?
8 years ago
New York, USA

Join our KQ Speedrunning Discord!

Invite link here: https://discord.gg/XEJbsHp

Just started up this server, runners of all KQ games are welcome to join! I'd love to start up a community of KQ fans so we can help each other out with routing, runs, strats, etc. My ultimate goal is to submit KQVI to a GDQ and hopefully get accepted!

The runs are really fun and very quick, most from 5 minutes to 50 minutes long. I run KQVI any% which is 22 minutes long. Minimal software/hardware requirements, a few cool graphical glitches, fun routing, and extremely fast paced with almost no cutscenes. Great series for a beginner looking to hit the ground running, it doesn't take to long to figure out the mechanics of the run.

I'll see y'all there!


United States
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New York, USA

I've gotten some interested parties! Slowly meeting the other runners of the series, it's really fun.