First time caller long time listener
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Howdy guys! I've been loving watching speed runs for years now (Shout out to StivityBobo), and finally decided I wanted to do this as well. While Banjo Kazooie holds a high place in my heart, I always wanted to go back and play Duck Dodgers 64. I remember spending hours in this game. So now I'm attempting to learn it, but the forums are empty, and there are only two recorded runs for it? Seems a shame since the game was so good. So I'm just watching the top run and making a run based off that. Maybe I'll tweak a bit too as I go.

So far I just watch the top run in pieces, then pause the video and play through that part in the game itself following the same path just to learn the run itself. I don't care how long it takes me to finish each part or if I get as fast as him, I'm just focused on learning the route. The rest will come later. Anyway, here's to everyone starting off, and here's to me as well! <3


I hope it goes well :) that can be quite a good method for learning too watching some one do it normally helps me. Shame about the empty forums some games just don't get to much love sadly. ^^ hope you have fun learning the route and then finally running it for real yay good luck

Oklahoma, USA

sounds like your pretty determined! good luck! :)

Florida, USA

Welcome, and good luck on your runs!