new forewarned version
2 years ago

hi, are you going to update to the newer v.25 Banishment update the leaderboards

Gaming_64 喜欢这个

i will add it eventually, maybe over the next few days


OK thanks, uh, i have a question.... me and my duo friend are fairly new to FOREWARNED.... i have 3 videos of runs with only my POV, but we're not super good and i dont know if i recorded when my friend opened his bag.... can we just add like 15seconds to the runs or something ? im fine if runs are denied, but realistically, a convention of penalty time would be nice. The thing is that our Success in the game is low, we dont win often, so that would be nice. Also, do you think of something speedrunnable with the Exorcism? like doing a 200% or 300% category @dylancubr9 thanks ..... uh Edit: can i also have two more questions, how do i know if all my objectives are completed, is it showing on the final board? another question, can i submit to more than one category with one video/run ? THANK YOU

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
Gaming_64 喜欢这个

To answer the first question, I recommend having the player that is recording open the bag first. But if you have 2 POVs, Make sure you say which one open the bag first. I don't really think time penalty's is needed

The question about 200%. Yeah we can add it, but it would have to be decided with the whole community/Mods.

The question about objectives. If you open your Journal, their should be a page with the objective list. If not, then you can go back to the tent and their should be a screen next to the radar with the list.

And the last question that's about the submitting to more categories. I watched your run and how you said that you did get the relic as well as doing the banishment ritual, but to complete the "Acquire the Relic" category, you need to place the relic in the Vehicle. (I haven't played this update yet, so I don't know if you can place the relic in the vehicle and still do the banishment ritual but i assume not.)


No you cantgo to the truck to place ur relic, you have to place the relic inside the banishment place. To PLACE IT on the banishment table, but you're still placing it lol, so yeah. But anyways i hope this tread also helps others. So here's the important things -Open bag at the same time as partner -Banishment and Relic Main objectives are separate and cant be alternated ( cant do both )

  • All secondary objectives are shown in J for journal or on the board in tent -recording for Relic ends on relic being in the car -recording for Banishment ends on us losing our torch (on success) -Map name at the end on Blackboard / scoreboard ADDITIONAL info -for death% all players die -My guess is that Full games would be as before, with like 2,3,4,5,6,7 (i dont know) matches won in a row on Small maps , Med, Big , with both Main Objectives :p
Gaming_64 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

So my opinion when it comes to current 100% runs; considering hidden objectives appear when you enter new rooms that have said objective, you already need to essentially uncover 100% of the map, making it redundant to call it 200% etc. If you only uncover 90% of the map, who's to say the room or 2 you missed didn't have a hidden objective within it? any% shouldn't need to worry about the map uncovering while 100% should have it as requirement, which can be verified at the end screen.


i should probably check a guide, but are you guys getting consistency with Photo proof of the mejai. The shadow forms and the Mimic photoes wont give us the Evidence :( So how is that suppose to work? My friend got killed by the mimic monster and he took photo of him 1 sec before dying and still didnt get the evidence.... that mission seems impossible. how a solo player is suppose to get it if Duo experience seems not to work. Mejai evidence photo. Talking about another thing for the Leaderboards, i dont think we have Difficulties? Could be a Sub Category variable too

Gaming_64 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

With Ouphris the mimic, you need him to be in his mejai form, which you can do by activating the Heka Amulet. Also if you actually click on each level on the IL page, it brings up a leaderboard with the different variables like map size. The only real thing difficulty changes is how much damage certain enemies and obstacles can do. Drowning and crocodile hits for example are the same across the board but the vertical rotating pillars and zealots do different damage based on the difficulty.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
Akuretaki 喜欢这个
Educated Guessing is Now Allowed + Run Timing Changes for Death%

Hello all,

As a result of a poll on discord, educated guessing is now allowed in the default Any% category. This means that TrueAny% and True100% have been archived.

Personally, old Any% felt extremely restrictive and frustrating in that even though I may already know the mejai, it just wasn't gi

4 months ago
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