All Jumpscares in 25m 43s 117ms by

This category has brutal RNG sometimes, but I love it :D -- This is evident by the fact that as you can see in the video, my last run died to DD adding Foxy.

I'm trying out a new strategy where I cycle plush animatronics/foxy/rockstar foxy/mangle earlier in the run. This is for two reasons:

  1. If I don't get the luck I need, I can reset earlier
  2. DD has 5 chances to add a character in an optimal run: the 3 plushies, W. Chica, and Springtrap. Since I have mostly distraction characters removed when I cycle plushies, it's more likely that if DD spawns, she will add a distraction character, one of the 6 DD-onlies, or do nothing at all. I cannot tell you how much this improves DD luck!!

The way I do the strat is that I remove all annoying characters. In this run, I removed T. Chica and T. Bonnie and Ballora and Rockstar Bonnie, but I normally don't remove any of these. I also fucked up and let Slippy kill me.

I then do what I do in the vid... I place the audio lure, and at around 0:18 I close both doors and turn on the heater. I avoid Rockstar Bonnie intervals and keep R. Chica cam stalled while I flip the camera repeatedly to reset vent, see if Mangle will enter my office, and coax Foxy. I then check if there's a plushy there. If yes, I let them kill me (unless R. Foxy's bird appears and kills me). If no, I try to let Foxy, W. Chica, or Springtrap kill me (sometimes Lefty too).

I think this route is better than the old route b/c it let's you reset earlier if plushies don't go your way while still allowing you to capitalize on R. Foxy and Mangle luck. However, I doubt this route is very optimal, and I definitely need to think more about the logic of everything.

As for the run itself, Mediocre Melodies are utter garbage, but a godlike Mangle almost cancels it out. The rest was average, if just a bit sloppy. The ending was really, really funny, with a DD-added Trash and Gang almost costing me everything, but instead only costing me around 0:15s.

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25m 43s 117ms
1 year ago
1 year ago