Routing Change...?
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

So, we've discovered something. There's a glitch that was found a while ago that I dubbed the "Hole Glitch". It involves digging a hole between you and a wall, going between the hole and the wall, and digging at the hole so you can get pushed into the wall.

Recently, a member of the Fossil Fighters Discord called megalo-vania has discovered a method using the hole glitch which allows you to access the 2 blocked-off areas early. This means we can get Lambeo and other vivosaurs early. Given how powerful Lambeo is, I want to get some more opinions as to whether or not this could result in a routing change. I don't really even know the route today, except for TheAwesomeDJ's WR and the one old guide in the Guides tab. If you have anything to say about this, thank you. Sub 5-hour goals!

Here's the link to the video:

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Pumick 喜欢这个
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