Any% tech
4 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I learned about this and noped out of the game

Michigan, USA

Wow, that's some amazing tech! xD I suspected that this was possible, but I hadn't had the time to test it yet. Nice to know it works!


Hello, I am the runner from that video. I am actually not a big fan of the tech myself and would like to actually play the game and enjoy the combat while running. I've also uploaded a completely different run where I actually defeat the final boss, although using skips to get there. Using no skips or even the objective of defeating all bosses also sounds appealing to me. Have you thought about introducing different categories yet? I think that might make both me and you feel less like "noping out of the game" and more engaged in fun and skillful speedruns.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
European Union

Hello, I think the glitched route is just as enjoyable and "skillful" as any other one. That said, I did think about adding a No Major Skips/Glitches category but didn't yet due to low interest in the game. Because you seem interested, I will make that category for you, but only after we figure out a reasonable ruleset for it.

At the moment I'm thinking something like:

-no death abuse to go through fences and other collision -no skipping bosses (be it with the long jump of the whip or poor level design)

Also, while the "kill the final boss" run is interesting, the goal is extremely arbitrary. I'd recommend looking into All Bosses, which accomplishes the same thing and more with interesting routing and execution throughout.

Michigan, USA

Any thoughts on "skipping" bosses via making them fall off the map? For example, Aeren can be cheesed so that his big boy friend doesn't even appear. Would that count as a glitch in NMG?

European Union

Bosses dying to gravity feels to me like an intended mechanic, however if you'd like to do a run without abusing it I'd consider making it a rule for NMG just for category variety's sake

Michigan, USA

I think it would be good to add to NMG, especially if there's a NMG All Bosses, since "all bosses" would tend to imply "fight anything that has a health bar" and that doesn't happen with Aeren if he dies to gravity.

European Union

The point of the All Bosses run is to clear out all the arenas, basically set the "is boss dead" flags in the game to true, which happens even if you don't kill that one boss. Still, I'd be totally down to split both Any% and AB into Glitched/NMG provided someone does a run of it first. No point in adding a category if there's no runs.

SableDragonRook 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA

My run of AB and Any% are both NMG unless you count Maerlynn dying to gravity in AB cuz I accidentally smacked her out of the arena with the wand and then whip, lol. So that would be where the determination of gravity comes in as far as NMG.

European Union

I would count that as breaking the rules, yeah. Your any% run should be fine though.

European Union

Added the glitched/NMG subcategory to any%, will add it to AB too once there's a run of it

Toronto, ON, Canada

Weird question. Is using weapons to jump gaps considered a glitch in NMG? Also I don't understand why environmental kills are considered a glitch. The game wouldn't have numerous giant cliffs in boss arenas (as well as a boss that takes insane knockback while surrounded by such cliffs) if environmental kills weren't an intended mechanic.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
European Union
  1. Jumping large pits is allowed as long as it's not used to skip bossfights.
  2. Environmental kills, while not exactly a "major glitch", disallowing it provides more variety between the categories as well as making the routing more interesting than simply "run to boss, knock off ledge".
Toronto, ON, Canada

Can I use jumps that can be used to skip bosses (mainly the one at 11:45 in my glitchless PB) as faster routes to those bosses? As long as I fight/kill the boss I could skip before doing anything else it doesn't seem any different than a normal jump.

European Union

Generally my line of thinking in regards to which jumps are allowed or not is "from the place where you land, can you go towards the end and skip a boss?", banning the jump if the answer was yes. I can see your point in going back for the bosses, even before doing anything else in the area you jumped to but l think my definition is the best way to go about it without having to have very specific rules about what you can and cannot do after making such jump.

So in short, no they're not allowed. I don't think it's a huge deal anyway routing-wise and it makes having concise rules simpler.

Toronto, ON, Canada

That's unfortunate. I just got an amazing NMG run with my optimized route and the jump. The jump skips 2 minutes of just running around enemies that almost never hit you. It's the longest slog in the entire route. Given that there's only one jump and it's really fun I hope you'll reconsider.

European Union

I figured you were asking before doing runs, not because you had one with it already :p Since you're the most active runner l'll allow it, again I'm mostly indifferent about it and was going off what'd make the most sense to word the rules with, but whatever. It's more fun this way anyway :p

Also about your run, you did do a death-collision-disable thing at the very end but i figure you'll both probably beat your time soon and it's so minor that it can get verified.

Toronto, ON, Canada

(Hopefully) Last random question: Can I trigger a lever by alerting an enemy and baiting them into hitting it? I have a fun jump that lets me skip 1/3 levers in the final area. But, I may be able to skip 3/3 using a clever bait.

Edit: I 100% can skip 3/3 levers using a clever bait.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
European Union

that sounds really cool and i'd say its fine to do yea

United States
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Quick question about the Highcliff skip: If it's legal as long as you don't skip a boss, would I be allowed to hit the west gate lever before going back to fight them? Wondering because it's still technically a sequence break since you aren't supposed to be able to hit the lever until after the boss, but it's faster to do it first and then immediately save and quit after the fight. You technically "skip" the boss to hit the lever, but is it fine if I still go back and beat the fight?

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