6 years ago
Czech Republic


I think there should be more interesting categories like quests, exploring wasteland, collecting exact items or reaching for example 100k caps? I have more ideas, if you accept ideas... Also if you give me supermod, I can make theme for this boards :). You can contact me here or on discrord :)

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
Grolardou 喜欢这个
United States

How about a genocide% where time starts when you reach 100 alive and healthy dwellers and time ends when they all die? This game definitely needs new categories and updates for platforms. This game is available on switch now, as well as ps4 and xbone I think.

United States

I have a fun time playing Fallout Shelter apknite. It'd feel a lot more real, if the dwellers mentioned other dwellers, things they see, like the mysterious stranger! I'd also love it if I were able to interact with the dwellers, like when they talk with each other. They talk about things like Oh rumor has it I'm gonna be the next overseer! Sometimes, on quests, the explorers say things like "Do you think the Overseer appreciates us?" Or they argue and stuff. I think it'd be great!