New moderation team, leaderboard structure changes.
New moderation team, leaderboard structure changes.
发布于 1 year ago

Hello everyone!

You may have noticed over the past few months, that there has been a change in moderation, and that the leaderboard was restructured significantly. I've neglected to officially inform followers of this game on SRC of all the changes that occurred, so this post aims to correct that.

Firstly, we have an official Excite discord, where most of the discussion regarding these changes took place. If you're not already there, I highly recommend you join in order to stay up to date with any changes to the leaderboards:


In late 2022, There were issues with some runs on the board being incorrectly verified, new categories were being requested by runners, and there were rule changes needed for IL runs due to the in game timer being incorrect in some cases.

On around December 29, 2022, I contacted the old supermod @ruunix2 on twitch. Runnix no longer wishes to participate in speedrunning or moderation. Runnix told me to contact SRC staff in order to be promoted to supermod. I then promoted @TopStar and @PunchSh0t as verifiers.

The New Mod Team

Now I'll introduce the new moderation team:

@TopStar was a speedrunner and moderator for Excitebots, which runs on the same engine as this game. Top has also played this game casually. He also updates spreadsheets for various records for both games (high score, stunt, speedrun records, etc) . You can find his Excite Truck record book here:

@PunchSh0t was the most recently active full game runner, and was a supermod of 3 other games, with over 300 total reviews. While he isn't actively running the game anymore, he accepted the verifier position and still reviews runs.

@Gamebuster1990 is me. At the time I was just a moderator and speedrunner of Excitebots. I did some IL runs of Excite Truck too. I also originally discovered the bug with the in game timer.

Full Game Leaderboard Changes

Here is a summary of all of the leaderboard changes:

  • The first big change was the removal of "Any%". Most runners found that with the old "Any%" category, racing through Excite difficulty, and then having to race through all of the same courses again in Super Excite created an unfun speedrun. However, we didn't want to remove the hard work of past runners, so we renamed the category to "Excite Race - Super Excite". The rules are essentially the same as the old "Any%"

  • "Excite Race - Excite" was created. It is the same as the old "Any%", except it ends after completing "Excite" difficulty rather than "Super Excite" difficulty. Runners thought that just running through the normal "Excite" difficulty created a more enjoyable speedrunning experience.

  • "Excite Race - Mirror Excite" was created for the sake of completeness.

  • "All Races" and "All Tutorials", "All Challenges" and "All Courses" were created.

  • B-Rank and S-Rank were added to most full game categories. "B-Rank" is the same as the old "Any%" rules, while "S-Rank" requires you to get an S-Rank in all required races.

Individual Level Changes

  • The biggest change for ILs was with how IL runs were listed on the sidebar. Previously, the cup name was not listed (ex: Scotland - Castle Keep). This made it hard for people who use versions of the game that are not English to figure out what course they were playing on. Now you don't have to memorize the name of the course, just the cup and location (EX: Silver Scotland).

  • "Any Rank" categories were renamed to "D Rank" to be consistent with the naming convention of the Excitebots leaderboard.

  • Invalid runs were rejected

  • Challenges were added as ILs

  • 0 Star category was added for ILs

Rule Changes

  • Runs that were ran after Dec 31, 2022 must have sound. Runs that were ran previously are grandfathered in.

  • Emulators and ISO loaders are not allowed for full-game runs.

  • IL runs where the player crashes will be frame timed by a moderator or verifier due to the timer bug.

  • You must quit to the main menu and select the first course again in order to restart a run that spans multiple courses.

  • Crazy Monster Truck is banned for categories that span multiple courses.

  • If an individual level run is submitted using an emulator, it must consist of live gameplay footage rather than a replay.

Questions? Concerns?

If I forgot something, or you have any questions or concerns regarding the state of the boards, please contact me or another moderator or verifier in the above discord server.

Thanks for reading, and here's to many more EXCITING runs!


New moderation team, leaderboard structure changes.

Hello everyone!

You may have noticed over the past few months, that there has been a change in moderation, and that the leaderboard was restructured significantly. I've neglected to officially inform followers of this game on SRC of all the changes that occurred, so this post aims to correct that.

1 year ago
发布于 2 years ago
发布于 2 years ago