Earthworm Jim 3D Console Route
Earthworm Jim 3D Console Route
更新时间 9 years ago koffingrockz

EWJ 3D Memory Route

General Notes and Terminology:

Marbles: You need all 1,000 marbles to beat the game with an ending. Therefore, and any% and 100% route are intertwined. Udders: Same as marbles Momentum glitch: Hitting B then A a few frames apart to get a faster jump. Utilized a lot in overall movement, but only in short distances. This is however used in many places to gain more distance. Hover gliding glitch: When Jim comes in contact with an area with a slant the game doesn’t know whether Jim should be falling or landing on the surface. Because there is no sliding mechanic, the game basically puts Jim in a suspended falling animation. If a hover is used upon reaching this state Jim can ascend up the platform to gain more vertical height. This is used in Lord of the Fries, Poultrygeist Too, and The Good, the Bad, and the Elderly. Zip line animation glitch: If Jim is hovering to the side of a zip line then merges over he will gain more distance while not being on the line yet. After the hover ends you will still be on the line.


Coup D’Eat

Collect all marbles on large green platforms Shoot and jump to readjust your angle to save time on the boxes Enter the next room Whip the hamster and roll to save time during the cut scene Enter the next room Jump over the slime guy in order to skip his text Roll up to the hedgehog Anticipate him shooting a missile and roll to gain invincibility then jump and whip and finish him off Stand on the switch after killing the enemy Get the Udder (1) Enter the next room Grab all the marbles leading to the cow Talk to the cow Grab all the marbles on one side of the ramps (You will grab the other half later) Enter all doors (On platforms you must super jump to) containing marbles and destroy all crates containing marbles Enter next room Immediately go to the right and destroy all of the boxes on the right side Super jump up and grab the 2 marbles Go to the second set of green platforms Destroy the left box on the middle set of boxes and all of the boxes on the left set Grab all marbles near the platform Do a jump on top of the middle set of platforms near the edge of the highest platform in order to grab the underpants early. (Momentum glitch helps but is not necessary) Go to the 1st room with the grenades Grab all remaining marbles Talk to the cow get udder (2) Backtrack to underpants room Go to the last set of green boxes Destroy the crates farthest to the right Grab all marbles Enter next grenade room Grab all marbles on ramps When you are as smart as a waffle (Near “fake” door) remember there are no crates to break Grab the marbles in the door next to the exit Destroy all crates for marbles Enter next room Grab all marbles Enter next room Grab all marbles on one side then void out (No health penalty) then do the other side and void out again. Don’t forget to whip the hamster. Exit room through the entrance Immediately void out Talk to the cow Exit the stage by going through yellow and black door

Barn to be Wild

Hover back and forth through the muddy area and grab all the marbles except for the one near an exit. Get eggs Grab marbles to the north Go to the muddy area Destroy Camera 1 and the two flying pigs in first person mode Collect all marbles and the udder in the area (1) Notes on muddy area:

  • There are two pigs in the mud. You want to jump on them then walk off to conserve health and not go in first person.
  • You go farther when you walk, but faster when you jump
  • Get the right pig’s marble after the utter
  • If you exit with more than 30% you are typically okay Talk to the crow Grab the last marble near the exit in the mud Go through the exit Grab the marble on the left of a wall (Stay in front of the tall part of the mini wall and you don’t get shot) Hit the green switch to the north Talk to the crow Grab the three marbles near the door to the next area Go to the next area through that door Grab the two marbles that are on top of a platform, super-jump to the reach the higher one first. Talk to the crow near the headquarters Go back to the previous door, but destroy the canister for a marble. Go through the door. Go to the vending machine. Kill the hedgehog to the right of the machine Grab the marble behind the platform right of the machine (This marble is by far my most forgotten so make sure you DO NOT forget this one) Kill the hedgehog to the right of the machine. Go into first person and kill the new hedgehog that has spawned. (3 Eggs) Stay in first person and shoot 3 eggs at the new hedgehog that spawned near the windmill, delay a bit and shoot an egg to shoot the newly spawned switch during the cutscene. Collect the marbles near where the crow was. (Collect in a clockwise motion starting from the left) Go back near the door Kill the hedgehog to the right Go into first person and kill the new hedgehog that spawns and hit the switch Go back through the door Kill the hedgehog that is up high when you immediately enter the room. (Attempt the cut scene skip.) Head close to the cow headquarters Kill the final hedgehog and shoot the switch. Udder (2) NOTE: You have EXACT ammo to complete the area without a refill. If you waste any luckily there is a convenient refill near the final hedgehog but try to never waste more than 4 or you will lose time. Enter cow headquarters (Note about canister marbles: Every canister contains a marble AFTER the first two sets) Get the Knife Kill all the cows up to “Boot camp”. (No backtracking) In boot camp 1 accomplish the following: -Destroy camera 2
  • Collect all marbles
  • Attempt text skips (Momentum glitch near the block to the side of the cow) -Utilize Zip Line Animation Glitch Complete boot camp 1 Speed through boot camp 2 while utilizing Zip line Animation Glitch. Udder (3) Exit Boot camp Kill the three cows directly outside of boot camp Back track to kill a cow Continue killing the cows until there are no more Talk to the colonel crow Get the document Go back outside of the headquarters Get eggs Talk to the crow While the documents animation plays go into first person and shoot camera 3 Udder (4) Get the marble in the canister while going back to the headquarters Go back into the headquarters. Destroy camera 4 in first person from below. Destroy camera 5 near the colonel. Talk to the colonel to spawn the block to get to the rooftops. Udder from the cameras (5) Rooftop section Udder from Colonel (6) Go back near the entrance. Get on the block closest to the entrance door of the headquarters. Do a super jump and aim for the corner of the block to the right then mash A to surface. Get the Balloon and carefully get the marbles (Watch out for the cow shooting at you) Balloon Udder (7) Save and go to brain



Lord of the Fries

(Note this route is a tiny bit tight on health so health management is vital. You should however always have an excess 25-50% health give or take and there is an optional boost that only saves a few seconds) Immediately damage boost across the lava to reach the platform to the left (25 damage is optimal 50 may happen) Kill the robot for the key card, enter the door Go up the fry platforms (Super jumping to collect a marble then hovering to the next platform is optimal movement. Hit C Up to make this section infinitely easier) Hit the green switch (Note we do need to hit this switch for “Pickle skip” as we see later in the level) Grab all the marbles on the pipe and head to the platform below Destroy the three boxes to unveil 2 marbles, do not collect them yet. Kill the 3 robots try to stun 2 kill, then kill the last. Destroy the northwest crates and collect the marbles as you wait for the robots to spawn. Destroy only the back robot for the key card. Roll back and collect all the marbles (6 in total) (Your health (considering you get hit by robots twice which is typical) should be ranging approximately from 75-100) Go back up to where the switch was. Attempt the key card clip glitch. (Jump on top of the key card spot and hold left. Hope to clip. Typically won’t work but looks really cool when it does. If you are not holding left you will fall to your doom and lose a life/the run) Go through that door if you miss the clip. Grab the zip line pad. Hit C up as you go down so you can see where you land. Go up on the platform to the right. Grab the first marble and go around clockwise. When you collect the fourth and final marble do a damage boost to reach the platform with the heart (Don’t angle change if you are confident) Go to the right and kill the first robot that you see for a key card. Roll to avoid the lasers from the other robots. Damage boost across the lava to reach the next platform with robots on it. (If you have low health kill robots for an additional 15 health. Typically you will make a net gain of about 5-10.) Collect the 3 marbles to the northwest (These marbles are easily forgettable so be very careful) Go to the zip line Super jump on top of the needle like thing that starts the zip line. Momentum glitch or super jump then hover to make it a majority of the way through the line. Collect the three marbles to the side leading up to the next line. Repeat the process for the next line Collect the three marbles right of the door. Go through the door. Skip the three marbles off the side of the cliff near the zip line. Get on the zip line Destroy the 2 boxes nearest to the large vine and collect the marbles. Get the balloon and collect the green marbles, then head towards the aliens after you collect all the marbles. (Health management from this point on is simple, you MUST have more than 25) Enter the cave like area. Get the extra shooter in the cave. Shoot all boxes that contain marbles. (Skip switch) Go into box, get peashooter Grab three marbles on one side in peashooter room then exit Exit cave Go to balloon Blue marbles (Be careful around Fish) Try to be above zipline to use it as the Udder cutscene plays Get Udder on top of vine (1) Shoot the three potatoes Card skip Get on top of needle like platform Go into first person shoot 2 potatoes Go across the zipline using the super jump to gain extra distance. Grab 2 marbles on ledge Udder above (2) Grab three marbles below and to the right. Boost back across the lava with 2 marbles suspended in the air. Go to the room with the Pickle. Pickle Skip Udder (3) Talk to Pickle to trigger platforms to spawn. Exit room Optional boost to skip walking all the way to the platform with the fish jumping across it. Grab 2 Marbles above newly spawned platforms. Go through door Jump on the platforms to get to Udder on vine (4) Shoot 2 Potatoes on top of vine Jump down to land on platform then go to door near the switch Get on needle Shoot 2 Potatoes Go out of bounds by super jumping right then navigate to skip zipline. Grab the three marbles near the door Go through door Kill final potato. Go back to hot sauce box Udder (5) Grab 3 remaining marbles Save and go to brain

Are you Hungry Tonite?

Fall in pit to the left Shoot switch in first person Go to the room with many aliens Immediately shoot 6 times so that you hit 2 switches Go back to the elevator room Early Elevator Elevator Skip Frying Pan Room Skip Udder (1) Enter locked door Go to the elevator. Elevator Skip Enter Beans room (The following events are in order) -Go past first canister and jump to the closest platform. -Jump to the farthest away platform using beans -Jump without beans to middle platform -Use beans to reach final platform -Use beans to reach high platform to the north -Go the intended route for one jump to the right. -Jump to platform directly above -Get next bean can -Wait for two then roll jump off and hover to reach platform below. -The rest of room 1 is the intended route. -Grab the 4 marbles on high platforms. -Jump using beans to the beam to the north. -Barely grab the 2 marbles to the north and reach the platform to the left. -Jump to the next platform. -Grab the bean canister and jump directly up to reach beam. -Grab marbles on platform to the right -Fall and grab marbles below -The rest is intended Udder (2) Kill alien that is close to you Use balloon to reach visible udder (3) (Go around right side of glass to avoid invisible wall) Elvis Skip [] Elvis udder (4) Get all marbles and hit all 3 switches in circle room (Backup health in crate, 25 Health per boost only 1 boost is required) Go back to main room Shoot final switch to deactivate invisible wall Get balloon Get blue Marbles Marbles around crate Grab Udder (5) Grab the marbles below the balloon Enter the intended Elvis room Elvis Skip part 2 Grab the marbles at the end Save and go to brain

Fatty Roswell



Go up the stairs and do the wall skips by super jumping near the edge of the floor to make it around the final walls. Enter Poultrygeist Whip the painting Talk to the headless beaver to trigger the beaver head to spawn later Continue left then go down when the path branches out Enter the room at the bottom Kill all the chickens Grab the udder before you hit the switch (1) Go back up the stairs and head left Kill vacuum (DO NOT venture off left or right as the game can softlock) Udder (2) Whip painting Enter door directly after whipping Furniture game Udder (3) Go back to main room Grab marbles going down the stairs up till snot Shoot the boxes to the left and collect the marbles Optional painting skip (Video Coming Soon) Whip armored man’s head for marbles then grab udder (4) Grab remaining marbles then exit room Head left Whip hidden wall As the wall moves whip the chair at the end of the hallway then grab the marbles below Grab marbles in hidden wall Go back to area with the clock that you can talk to Whip chair and grab marbles Talk to the clock Hit the book to trigger the beaver Grab the three marbles in his alcove Go back into door near the painting Destroy all chairs inside and collect all marbles Exit room Run back collecting all stray marbles Talk to beaver after the head reattaches Udder (5) Grab all remaining marbles exit room

Poultrygeist Too

Jump down from Poultrygeist door and head to leftmost door to enter Poultrygeist Too Kill Vacuum Udder (1) Get bananas to blow up all 3 switches (One is hidden near bookcase and is parallel to the switch on the right facing another bookcase) Hit the switch that triggers chickens to spawn Grab the marbles inside the bookcase Use the hover gliding glitch to get on top of the base of a pillar then super jump on top of a bookcase Grab the set of marbles suspended in the air. Fall down Hit the switch closest to you Collect the marbles down below to the left. Go normally until you reach the VERY laggy bookcase Go all the way up then go left and fall to collect the marbles. Go back up Go to the right and grab the balloon Continue the intended route (grabbing all marbles) until you reach the coffee cup Udder (2) Fall down to the platform below Jump back to the bookcase Grab the 3 stray marbles suspended in the air Go back up the bookcase and go to where the balloon was Udder (3) Go back and fall down to grab the marbles in between the bookcase and the balloon Grab the marbles hidden behind the wall. Go back to the other side where you can still see marbles Collect all the remaining visible marbles Go through the coffee cup Hit the switch that allows you to go through the chimney Go through the chimney Sneak past the pictures so that the left picture faces left and the right faces right and enter the room Udder (4) Go to the next room Go to the room after that which leads you to a “Lost Woods” type room. (Note for the following sequences it is hard to say in words where to go, but I always look at the rooms based on which direction I’m pressing the following events are in order) -Go to the first door left of the starting door -Go left -Whip paintings and kill all chickens, go through gate -Go back to “lost woods area” -Door down-right -Go left -Go left again -Attempt to bomb both paintings at once, they will only fall if you are facing away and you place the banana on the outside edge of the platform. -Go back to “Lost Woods” area after killing all chickens -Go to the downright door -Go left -Go straight -Go through “transition room” -Collect marbles go through door right of the ledge -Go through door all the way to the right on the bottom. -Super jump up to reach a platform with a switch -Hit the switch -Go through closest door -Go straight -Kill all chickens (Note that the painting on the pole will go up if you are too slow) Go to the room with the living chicken that is very happy Grab the marbles suspended in air Go through upper door to collect the final udder Udder (5) Save and go to brain

Death Wormed Up

(Feel free to implement in safe strats as the one cycle is one of the hardest things to get used to) Grab the 2 marbles to the left Roll up to the large gravestone to the right Super jump up, momentum glitch on top of the grave nearest to it then fall to the right to grab a marble (If movement is optimal you can do this without getting hit from the bat) Talk to the skull to trigger the gravestones Roll down until you reach the large gravestone Super jump up and grab the marble Interact with gravestone below Grab three marbles close to mini grave then roll towards the marbles near the large door (Close to the vending machine) Grab only the marbles on the left side of the door then enter The One Cycle (The following events are in order) -Roll one going north -Roll jump to grab the ledge to the left (You want to grab the ledge as a buffer to get the fish on a good cycle) -Roll jump past the fish and get on the blue platform to the right (Do not grab the marble on the ledge below -Super jump to grab the marbles suspended in air (Use the marbles’ shadow as a cue for when to jump -Immediately jump to the next platform upon landing -Grab the 2 marbles in the mud below (Try to utilize a hover to grab them very quickly) -Go into the door above, activate statue -Exit room, super jump back on blue platform -Roll jump a bit after the platform begins to move to reach a platform. -Get on to northernmost blue platform -Interact with grave -Quickly jump back on the platform that got you to the grave (Do not even change the angle because you may run out of time) -Grab 2 marbles suspended in air using the blue platform -Get onto the next blue platform as soon as possible -Immediately jump again to reach another platform that will sink -Jump on the next platform when it is close enough -Grab the 2 marbles suspended in air then go back to the right (Note my One Cycle is a bit different than the CardinalPickles one cycle but the two are near identical time wise) Kill the 2 fish and the bat ahead (You must kill them to make the balloon portion possible) Jump through fish to reach udder (1) Kill bat near udder Go to balloon (Note the udder will not spawn if you go to the platform where the udder is supposed to be. You must wait on the left side on the thin section) Udder (2) Fall to the blue platform below Make your way back through the room and grab the one marble that was skipped earlier Exit room Grab the marbles on the right side of the door Get missiles from the vending machine Kill bats until the large door opens Go to the area left of the large door Grab all marbles leading up to the sloped brown platform Make a precise jump near the top of that brown platform to barely reach an udder Udder (3) Grab marbles to the left Activate statue 2 in the door Exit the room Jump to the large platform with a marble suspended in the air above it Go to the door Quickly grab the marbles in the exploding bunny area (You typically take 30-80 damage) Activate statue 3 to left Go down the rabbit hole Grab the 4 marbles in the cave areas below Kill bunnies until the door opens (Damage boost to kill them if you are confident) Udder (4) Exit room Interact with the final grave Jump over fence and exit the area Grab all remaining visible marbles Enter final statue room and activate him for an udder (5) Exit room Go through the large door Go to the right until you reach a hole Green (Left), Green, Blue, Purple-ish to get medallion Blue, Green, Blue to get Marble set 1 Final marble set on blue near entrance Exit the area Go back to the skull Udder (6) Go back through the door Go up the mountain Grab the marbles behind the door to the next level Enter Boogie Nights

Boogie Nights of the Living Dead

Get music gun Go through the zombie rooms (Feel free to use first person if it is faster for you) Udder (1) Go to the bathroom stalls Super jump then hover at the peak to go over the stall door Whip to flush the toliets Jump over to the stall on the right Go into the sewer (Note at the beginning of the sewer I will not angle change until I reach the large grey platform after the first three logs) Shoot the gate like object above the udder on a pedestal Progress through the sewer killing all speakers Udder (2) Exit sewer go to disco floor room Accomplish the following -Talk to all three grannies -Make jumps on all 3 transitions to reach rooms early -Destroy all speakers Get Udder on top of speakers (3) Exit room Walk a bit to the left to trigger the speaker’s gate to open Udder (4) Go to the hole in the floor near the granny Fall down Udder (5) Save and go to brain

Monkey for a Head


Violent Death Valley

Immediately climb up to the top platform Kill the cactus going up to the vending machine Get the gun from the machine Kill the other cactus Manually shoot the first two grannies (One above and the other is easily visible to the left) Go down and grab 3 marbles Manually kill 2 grannies on that platform Go through the door up top On the starting platform manually kill the 2 grannies Go to the zipline Kill the outhouse guy Kill the granny while on the line Fall down to the island Jump to the side with the cacti after collecting the marbles on the island Kill the cacti (With whips) Get on the zipline Kill the granny while on the line Kill the outhouse guy Fall and grab the marbles right of where the outhouse was Go into the hole where the 2nd outhouse guy was Kill the 3 grannies manually (2 right one farther left) Get refill Grab all the marbles on the islands Go to the zipline Get on, shoot the outhouse guy, get off Balloon Udder (1) Fall to the left Enter Granny wrangling room Grab marbles on one side Wrangle the Grannies(Use the trick to get the grannies stuck by taking the two grannies on the left side and getting them caught behind the poles on the left) Udder (2) Grab the remaining marbles in the room Exit the room Get on the zipline Kill other outhouse guy Go all the way through the zipline Grab all the remaining visible marbles in the room Go through the newly unveiled room Kill the cactus Go straight to the island then go to the zipline platform Kill the granny from that platform manually Get on the line Kill both outhouse guys then a granny from the line Go back to the entrance of the room Go into first person and kill the final granny Go through door Collect udder from killing grannies (3) Go back to where you were Go into beans room (circular door) Udder from bean room (4) (Go the intended route, outside of grabbing 2 sets of marbles upon your decent. These sets are the two left of the final “U” shaped platform) Exit bean room Go get the ice cream Go through the door that was unveiled opposite of the beans room (To the right) Udder in cave (5) Return the ice cream No one is safe (Kappa) Udder (6) Grab three final marbles on a cliff to the right Exit stage

The Good, The Bad, and The Elderly

Talk to the sheriff Get Key Go into locked door Get gun Exit room Roll up, kill granny 1 with whips Go towards entrance kill granny 2 with whips Turn around, shoot granny 3 near locked gate Shoot Granny 4 to left Whip granny 5 back near gate Shoot high up Granny (THREE shots, all others take two) and 2 bottles Granny near entrance Bingo Ball 1 Shoot locked door Shoot bottle, whip barrels closest to you and grab marble in the corner Go to “The Square” Place Ball 1 Shoot the two grannies Turn and kill another granny Go into first person, Shoot granny and all the bottles (4 total) then turn and kill other granny Shoot or whip all remaining grannies until you get the bingo ball (The final granny is right of the saloon) Immediately grab ball 2 and place it Go back to where the granny was Start heading to the bank area Destroy bottle to the left Barrels before cow house has a marble Fridge Skip Kill all enemies in the bank area as you wait for the Udder from the fridge to spawn Ball 3 Udder (1) Enter the bank Start phone sequence Grab all remaining marbles in the bank transition room (Every Barrel has a marble) Place Ball 3 Talk to the phone near town hall Go right head to store Destroy 2 sets of barrels to reveal marbles (This barrels are not out of the way) Talk to phone in the store Exit store area Go directly straight Talk to phone in the area where you got the first gun Exit area Go inside town hall Go to right side, grab all marbles leading to phone Fall down Grab refill (Waste shots if necessary) Grab all remaining marbles in the area Exit town hall Go to the store Shoot all the grannies (Don’t worry about ammo you have plenty) Ball 4 Enter store Barrels to the right have marbles Grab all visible marbles leading to granny wrangling Granny wrangling (same as before) Udder (2) Shoot the final bottle Udder (3) Exit store area Place ball in square Kill 2 newly spawning grannies for a ball Place final ball Go inside saloon Grab all marbles Exit Saloon Go right Go inside the bank Get all marbles in bank Udder (4) Dynamite Jump on top of a lock, then onto the top of the safe, then jump over the gate area to exit faster Grab udder from bingo at town hall (5) Go left Talk to sheriff Grab final udder (6) Exit the level

Bob and Number Four

Earthworm Kim (Make sure you utilize the radar and even ego boosts when needed. Also do not get close even when you hit her. Also recognize that missiles will typically not go up slopes so it is best to hit Kim when you are on the same slope as her and she is not about to change her slope)

发布于 3 years ago
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