Any% question
3 years ago
United States

Hello! I just learned Any% with the manip, and I plan on attempting it tonight on stream. However, I quickly realized as I tried this on hardware that my capture card won't sync back up until a few seconds into each run. Is this acceptable? My Atari 2600 outputs RGB; I tried 3 different capture cards as well as 2 upscalers (Framemeister and OSSC) and there's always about a second minimum between my power on and the picture coming back, which usually shows ET coming down (I haven't gained control yet).

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
United States

I could also put a mirror next to my chair so the TV feed would be visible on camera LOL, would that work? The TV doesn't lose signal at all (it comes back instantaneously). I could also try to get my 2nd webcam pointed at the TV

发布于 3 years ago
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