Difficulty does make a change in gameplay and needs a seperate category
6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

I was reading through the rules and I was greatly misinformed that difficulty does not make a change in gameplay and it does make a very big change.

In the level "Journey to Grouchland" it takes a whopping ~1:40 minutes to complete it alone in Easy, if you count the first level with it you're already on ~2:00

On Hard it takes ~52 seconds to complete "Journey to Grouchland" which is a ~48 second difference and that's just such an incredible change when the rules clearly say that there's no change in gameplay.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, mods update the rules and add a Hard% and Easy%?

EDIT: This also goes for Mine Games and a huge possibility for other levels too.

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
South Korea

I was thinking about this when I did runs but I already knew that hard mode was the fastest to use in runs. Overall, I’m down for that change, but the final decision is up to @guywith

发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 5 years ago
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发布于 6 years ago
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发布于 6 years ago
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