Arcade rules questions
6 years ago

I've got two rules related questions, both related to things I noticed with Gallivanter's 9:29 arcade version run:

  1. It appears that this run uses the bootleg romset. Does anyone know what gameplay differences there are between the bootleg and the non-bootleg set?
  2. This run starts with 5 lives in reserve, whereas the default lives setting is to start with 2 lives in reserve. Is it acceptable to configure the dip switches for extra lives?

Note that there are opportunities to save time via death abuse, so additional lives would confer a speed advantage.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll look into this over the next couple days.

baldnate 喜欢这个

Thanks! I started noting the number of lives in my submissions to help.


I forgot to actually verify your run with default lives, it's up there now.

The quantity of starting lives was never specified before in the rules; generally the default is always the standard, so that's what will be used in the future. I'll comb through all previously accepted runs tomorrow and make sure that the leaderboard conforms to that standard.

baldnate 喜欢这个

Hey, sorry if I'm late but I've been inactive for the past few months. First of all, congratulations to baldnate for the World Record! It's nice to see other people still playing this game. I apologize for my irregularities, but, as NESCardinality already pointed out, when I checked the rules it said nothing about extra lives so I assumed any setting was OK. Elevator Action can be pretty hard, so I figured I could use some help in that sense. As for the romset, I am not aware of any differences between the bootleg and non-bootleg version, I just played the one I happened to have. I'll make sure to switch to the other one if that's a concern.

Thanks, and congrats on the new world record!

Gallivanter 喜欢这个
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