发布于 1 month ago

So, recently grnts (formerly CHEESECAKECHEESECAKE), the world record holder on every category of Emoji cat School got banned, or something like that, all of his runs got deleted and his YouTube's too.

I decided to resubmit all of his runs but with the no-video option (for what has already been mentioned with your channel), obviously I couldn't recover all of them, only the ones that I received an email saying "CHEESECAKECHEESECAKE has outperformed you by X amount of time".

I just wanted to give this little news because he was the holder of all the world records (I already mentioned it) and I wanted to let everyone know.

发布于 2 months ago

So recently I was watching various speedruns in the 100% category and I decided to make a change to make it more "whorty". I added the Load Removed Time (LRT), so now the 100% category will work like this:

  • Real Time Attack (RTA) is a timer wich counts the Load Time, so it will be as default
  • Load Removed Time (LRT) is a timer wich DOESN'T counts the load times (example: Ending screens), so it will not be the default one but it will work like a more accurate timer

How to retime:

  1. When the end screen appears you will stop the timer, when you click "again" you need to resume the timer.
  2. For retimes, the final time in LRT will be a sum of all the endings.
  3. If you already did a run before this change, don't worry, we will do an auto-retime for you.
About the grnts ban

So, recently grnts (formerly CHEESECAKECHEESECAKE), the world record holder on every category of Emoji cat School got banned, or something like that, all of his runs got deleted and his YouTube's too.

I decided to resubmit all of his runs but with the no-video option (for what has already been ment

1 month ago