Several runs need to be retimed, due to changes in Timing. You no longer need to view the credits after completing goals of categories, except in the case where you have not seen it yet in the run. This rule applies to the credits at the end of the game, not the one on the main menu. All categories except Any%, FPA% and Solo% are affected by this.
100% has been changed to Dude%, as the goal is every dude collected.
Item% is added.
The versions of the game have been updated to be: updated (kong) version, browser, or other. The dropbox link gives you the updated version, browser is if you play it from a website and other means that you played it from something else (like a flash browser, or a different version of the game on flash player.) You need to specify where it is from and provide the website for it to be verifiable.
Several runs need to be retimed, due to changes in Timing. You no longer need to view the credits after completing goals of categories, except in the case where you have not seen it yet in the run. This rule applies to the credits at the end of the game, not the one on the main menu. All categories