Overhauls, Additions, and Suggestions. (Master Thread)

Hi there. Recently became a mod of this board and I'm in the middle of completely overhauling the page as per 'yes' and 'no's' from the current mods.

Some short quick points to what has been changed, as a list here.

I will be updating the thread with changes to the board as I go, and if you have any suggestions, things you'd like, or categories that you think may be interesting, feel free to submit them here. All will be discussed.

TheBritishRunner 喜欢这个

-Changed the Profile Image -Updated the Info section for bits about the game. -Overhauled Resources -Overhauled NRV's Guide. -Adjusted info for every Categories rules. -Thinking over Max% on how to make it a better category to run -Working on adding Variables to each alternate category to include difficulty choices. (Barebones having Impossible or Casual, for instance) -Moved Barebones to Misc categories section. -Individual Levels have been changed to NG+ only considering the fact they are intended to be quickest level clears and nothing more. -(To further on ILs, considering the fact only one run existed on the whole of the category board, the original run was wiped due to no video evidence being available, the account being dead, and no way of contacting the original runner to have them re-verify the run, due to the fact that the time for the level was unusually low and through extensive testing did not seem possible.) -Currently writing a Barebones Impossible guide. -Every category description altered -Rewriting Main Rules info. -Added Trophy Icons. (Marker Symbols from Red to Gold) -Overhauled parts of Tags -Adjusted Release Date to be correct to the NA Version (13th of October 2008 was first offical release.) -Added 'Havok Engine' as the Engine tag. -Added NG+ option subcategory to NRV.

If there is anything else you feel is important to add, please tack on below my list.

Thanks, and happy running.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
TheBritishRunner 喜欢这个

Max% Category rules have been overhauled, to make it a more consistent, and reasonable category to run.


Overhauled tools for the Dead Space Resources with a new addition of SuicideMachines' Universal Trainer, which now includes loader for Origins version of Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2's tool.


After a long thought out process (nah not really we talked for like 10 minutes about it), NRV is being merged into the Any% categories and is now part of main game. This was 'requested' by a few runners, and has been thought over.

With this change, we are now splitting the boards between PC and Console, mainly due to the discovery of a brand new trick calling Pulse Boosting, and NRV being merged. There will be a a new guide made on this trick and a video detailing on how to do it, small tips, and whatnot.

Console is at a massive disadvantage due to the fact NRV is simply not possible, as well as pulse boosting being entirely FPS based. Therefore, board will be split between platforms.

For tips on how to run with NRV, please refer to this guide. -----> https://www.speedrun.com/ds1/guide/tv1ec


TheBritishRunner has also made a few changes detailed here. -Glitchless Category added. How good's your game knowledge? :^) -All boards split between PC-Console. -Max% updated minorly. -All rulesets updated to include NRV Info.


-Overhauled Ch1-12 saves resources tab with full NG+ loadout, Level 5 suit (level 6 suit sux bro), and Save points at the rough end of each chapter (where all objectives have been completed) -Adjusted some variables so leaderboard is cleaner. -Made minor rule adjustments.


-Updated Rules for Glitchless.

After about a 2 hour discord call, I have tacked on a few additions to Glitchless to make it safer to run and leave less questions. To confirm a few things, The Ch3 Refuel Skip is allowed, as this is a kinesis based skip and does not break the game in any fashion. Quick killing Tentacles are allowed, due to the fact they have a low health pool anyway with NG+ runs. Ch3 Centrifuge skip is allowed as there are no invis walls around the barriers and you are fully able to run all over them as is, assuming they are kinesis'd. Ch3 Refuel comes into play with pulling the Ch12 vent lever (for the fans), that is also permitted.

Depending on how fleshed out these runs become, I may add on to the 'allowed tricks list' here, depending on consensus between runners. These have been discussed in depth to a degree, and I will allow them for now.


Ch3 Centrifuge skip has returned to being banned as it is coming under Wall Boosting. However, you are allowed to risk stasising the railings and running off to skip (part) of the centrifuge spinning. That's at your own risk.

Everything else should still be fine. A question has come up about the beacon cancel skip (You place the beacon and open inventory), this is allowed due to the fact animation cancels are not always intentional, and I'm not going to police anyone on that. You'll be fine.

Enjoy your runs. Any other questions, feel free to message, or ask in the discord.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago

NRV's opening cutscene has been timed at 3:26, and a new Intro skip DLL has been written to skip the opening.

If you'd like to start without the opening cutscene, please import the DLL and set your split time to 3:26. You then start timing on beginning of difficulty select/load.

Any runs starting before or after 3:26 will be instantly rejected.

Please be reminded this is an entirely optional choice as loads differ between users. You can watch the intro cutscene and time normally or choose the set time and skip intro. Choice is yours.

This applies across all categories.


The timing methods for DS1 have been overhauled and now begin when control is gained at the beginning of the game, please take this into mind.

I no longer have access to the boards as I was deemed inactive, so please refer to MattMatt, Looney, or Sharkhat for further needs.

Papa bless.

New South Wales, Australia

Can i still speedrun DS1 without livesplit on xbox one or no


If you intend on doing it without the timer then make sure your recording is complete the entire way through, no splits or breaks inbetween. Otherwise it cannot be accurately timed, thanks.

I am jsut learning about this NRV thing now. According to this forum post, you have added a category? I do not see it.

Can you please confirm what tools/mods are allowed? Maybe put that in the rules? Also when to start timer, end timer? Used to say "when you gain control of issac" "when you deal final blow to hive"

I am running

Dead Space PC Impossible New Game Glitchless

I already finished a run of 6 hours 18 minutes and uploaded it pending verification.

I'm curious to know as the game is very glitchy on PC and more specifically these annoying cutscenes take up a lot of time.

If you could also clarify on how to handle things such as crashes that would be great. Game is plagued by constant crashes (usually spend the first 2 hours of a stream just redoing chapter 1 repeatedly until it works). had a perfect run, would have been sub 6 hours, and game crashed right at the end of chapter 11 causing me to redo it. i then spent the whole week trying to upload the video to social media to post here but twitch is extremely fickle when it comes to uploading anything over a couple hours.

Anyway, some clarifications on the rules would be nice just in general.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
United States

The New Category Added is Impossible Glitchless, its in the Impossible Category. There are some tools to remove most of the cutscenes that prevent progress that are allowed in every Category, as well as an Intro Skip. Aim Fix Mod is also allowed in Glitchless. There a few ways to deal with crashes but nothing permanent, Most people think the longer the game is on the more it will crash(usually Ch 6 is usually a big Crashing spot for most people so Most people make saves just in case of crashes usually around ch 6 but anywhere else is fine.) Usually Restarting the Game after it being on for awhile helps make it so theres less crashes. Also Running the game on lower FPS is recommended, the higher the fps the more the game breaks essentially. Usually 30-200 FPS are fairly stable. Skips that are Allowed in Glitchless are Ch 3 Gondola Skip(Getting Level 2/3 Kinesis to Kinesis the Switch while Riding the Gondola at the beginning of Ch 3 skipping the area to the switch.(If you watch any Top Glitchless Runs youll find this as well as a few other skips that are allowed), Ch 3 Centrifuge Partial Skip (should be in some top Glitchless Runs(stasis Railing before it comes up after activating Centrifuge, walk over railing and drop down to the floor and make it to the elevator faster), Ch 4 Hammond Skip(walking in and out of a door to skip Hammond Cutscene/Locked Door Room), Ch 5 Quarantine Skip(Only been done in 2 runs, once in Very tight line up to walk past the Quarantine Trigger, Accidentally done in RedChaous's Glitchless runs and I have some clips of lineups for it in the Discord), Ch 6 Nicole Skip(Line Gun Mine the Weezer from the Door Entrance of the Room that Nicole usually traps you in for a tiny cutscene), Ch 6 Level 3 Weezer Quick Kill(Shoot Weezer on level 3 Platform in the Brute Room from the base Level, Ch 6 Tentacle Skip(not Really a Skip just a Quick Kill with Contact Beam(I believe this still works on Impossible, Ch 3 and Ch 10 Tentacles are fine too, don't know if you can quick kill those on impossible or not tho), Ch 10 Waiting Room should be in Barebones Impossible Glitchless WR by Helios(wait in room before Horde Room after activating the Hunter/Regenerator and waiting to Kendra opens the door while in safety), Ch 12 Despawn(Kinesis the Switch in the pipe from higher up in the pipe and it Despawns all enemies outside of pipe including brute, enemies while pulling marker,4 minute Nicole/Kendra Cutscene, and Final Boss. Have to Suicide in Final Boss Area to Spawn the Boss(Extremely helpful for time especially in Impossible. Should be in Any Top Glitchless Run). Also Quick Kills on Wall Guardians with Line Gun Mines are Allowed throughout the run and do work on Impossible, should be in any top run in any category besides barebones. There is no clipping through walls with weapons, OOB, No Pulse Boosts, No Ch 3 Centrifuge Full Skip, Wall Boosts, No Isaac Tilts, No Save Station Clips, No Hammond Skip, and no Deloads(although sometimes these happen randomly in the run although its fairly rare, it can happen and all you have to do to fix it is let the door close again then open it or sometimes open the door behind you then open the deloaded door again. This will not disqualify your run due to it not helping your run.) We understand the game is pretty glitchy so we can be fairly lenient with random glitches or deloads happening as long as they don't actually help the runner. Most runners and mods are pretty active in the discord, I'm not a full mod so I can't help with everything, but I suggest joining the Discord for any help, questions, etc. Everybody in there is pretty cool and very helpful and we are much more active in the discord for everything than in the forums

United States

Also Cheev I used to Speedrun DS1 on Xbox One without Splits so yes it works, but you def need clean recordings or streams of it.

New South Wales, Australia

Wanna ask what skips are there that don’t fall into the glitch category

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

The game constantly crashes and as far as I can tell there is no specific stage it does this on (though it does seem to love acting up on the first chapter if vysnc is on). I have tried numerous things to stop this. None of them work consistently. This is probably why no one but me is running glitchless impossible i imagine. Pain in the butt. Got to the end of chapter 11 in less than 5 hours and the silly thing just crashes. Silly "cutscene" prevents you from savign until after you go through silly 5 minute dialogue with imaginary friend. Had to replay the entirity of chapter 11 essentially and splice it into my video. Very silly.

O that's a lot of skips. I assumed the level 3 kinesis is part of the game . Would not count that as an exploit. But all this other stuff is good to know.

I assume skipping the door falling down is also allowed. THere's a part of the game where you normally would accidentally get hit by a door that suddenly falls down, but if you get to the door while the npcs are still talkign the door does not fall down.

发布于 2 years ago
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