Dr. Mario Strats #3
8 years ago

I struggle with that kind of quick decision. What would you suggest? [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2e4c2mh.png[/IMG]

| = Vertically _ = Horizontally (intead of using h and v)

|br6 = vertically, blue on top, red on bottom, 6th column from the left.

_br6 = horizontally, blue on the left, red on the right, 6th and 7th columns from the left.


|rb5, _bb1 ? I would have played _rb7, |bb8 on reflex.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago

On reflex, it's very close on if I would do _br7 or _br5. Both have their pros and cons but I really feel like _br5 a bit better because you're setting yourself for a nice horizontal blue and will clear the way for a future horizonatal red. If you play on reflex _rb7, try to make it _br7. The different is pretty significant on the prospect or having that garbabe blue fall down on the blue virus a bit lower in the future.

A good debate can be done on the next double blue if you should play _bb1, |bb1 or |bb2. This is where play style comes into play. My default is _bb1 but I've seen Acmlm plays vertically more often then not in those situation and I'm not sure why.

|rb5 has very good reasoning but without great RNG in the next 4-5 pills, you're bound to get problems, specially with the double blue where depending on the 3nd pill you should place that double blue vertical to create a spot for future red-blues.

Man those are fun to answer. I will find few spots from my last night runs.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago
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