I suspect someone of cheating
7 years ago

Im going to say this, as this is my opinion and a few others who im not mentioning, because i dont want them to be hated who have backed me up on it, but we suspect someone is cheated. Now I know im not very liked in this community (one of the reasons i left) So I expect this to bring me even more "haters". Now i know he is really liked in this community (why i think its very important) so the person we suspect is SparrowGaming.

Just thought i would state my thoughts. Video might be coming soon on the matter depending on how busy I am

United States

This community has so many cheaters that I wouldn't be that surprised.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
United States

You know, there's a thing called, "private messaging the mods about accusations".

Be smart next time. I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example. I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement.


Please private message both me & craftain when you have accusations next time. Don't make these things public to the community as it will just make this community more toxic than it already is.

Imo I don't think he cheats, his runs look pretty legit, he does most of the strats and gets times which aren't insane. However I do understand that you might feel suspicious about someone who isn't too well known suddenly getting world records. (Do note that max gave him strats lol, and his wrs were pretty easy ones)

Please provide us with evidence as soon as possible and we will look into this.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个
British Columbia, Canada

I used to speedrun other games and speedran different servers on minecraft.


I'm allowed to share thoughts and opinions here. Just because you don't like me and like Sparrow doesn't mean you have to take his side automatically or lean towards him. A real mod would know about that. Also, I don't have what ye mods would consider "proof". As I thought what I had against thermal and crafter was proof but according to ye, it's not. "Be smart next time" Lmao there won't be a next time because I see how shit the mods are (others agree). "I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example." Can I just say how much I cringed at this. "I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement." why must I upload it soon? Also, Nrrillinthas is right lol

United States
  1. They have to take suspicion seriously. It's literally their job. It's not like they are allowed to ¤think¤ that someone is cheating to call them cheating. That is the why the past proofs are considered not enough.

  2. They are right in that stuff like this isn't the business of everyone in the community; if you're going to claim someone a cheater, don't do it publicly like that, do it privately with the mods. You're only going to get people mad at you, and that's not their faults.

  3. If you would have actually read tac's message you would have seen that in no way was he automatically siding with Sparrow, as he specifically said "However I do understand that you might feel suspicious about someone who isn't too well known suddenly getting world records." Also I don't think it's essentially "liking" him, it's just that he's already been basically bullied once so he has authentic victim status, which we don't use to determine if he's trustworthy but we use as a factor.

  4. If you're going to accuse someone, bring proof or at least a reason. You can have the opinion, but if the opinion is only backed by "I think so", it's not likely going to be considered.

  5. To Nrrillinthas, that's what happens when it's a public speedrun that almost any Mineplex player can stumble upon. We can't do anything about it. We just need to take our time and only ban the people we are certain of.

(Also, any time I used "we" I meant "they" because this isn't my job anymore. I'm just saying stuff)

TrazorMC Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个
United States

As an option to fix the cheating aspect they could probably require that set of mods which Zorty made which allows them to detect whether someone is doing something illegitimate or not. However, that is equivalent to requiring f3 to be active in all runs: annoying and arbitrary

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
United States

As it is a public speedrun site, 4 people out of 57 (maybe 5 if this is proven correct) who have cheated is quite a high ratio if you compare it to other games that have hundreds of players and have nearly as many people who have cheated disproportionately. I am not dissing the moderators, as I hope that they are doing they're doing the best job they can. The community itself seems to cheat a lot though when you have 7% of the community found for cheating.

United States

I feel like most Mineplex games have a high proportion of cheaters tbh

Maximus Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个

When i said about the taking sides part, i was talking to craftain


When i said about the taking sides part, i was talking to craftain

United States

"You know, there's a thing called, "private messaging the mods about accusations".

Be smart next time. I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example. I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement."

I actually don't see any siding here. He just said accusations are a private issue and then asked for proof (with a bit of sass). Where's the automatic favoring of Sparrow

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个
United States
  1. I'm not taking sides. Cheat accusations are a serious thing, and it's incredibly annoying when people say someone is cheating or someone says they are cheating, even in jest, as a mod. P.S. Even if I WAS taking sides, certain people tend to spew hate towards Sparrow, so he's a little bit more of a priority when it comes to protection than you. You're a mod on a speedrun site as well, and I expect you to be mature when it comes to things like this.

  2. (Not to ButWhy anymore) There have been a lot more than 57 people in the community, but admittedly there also have been more than 4 cheaters ever. It's a DE problem. Mostly because it's so easy to do so.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个
United States

It's a Mineplex problem people hack all the time on Mineplex the only difference here is that the hacking is in post xd


"I'm allowed to share thoughts and opinions here." Yes, you are. We just want to prevent drama, we aren't trying to take away your right to speak.

"Just because you don't like me and like Sparrow doesn't mean you have to take his side automatically or lean towards him. A real mod would know about that." How did you jump to this conclusion? None of us were taking sides. We just want you to send the evidence privately in order to prevent hate towards both you and sparrow.

"Also, I don't have what ye mods would consider "proof". As I thought what I had against thermal and crafter was proof but according to ye, it's not." Just give us what you have if you cannot find anything concrete.

" "Be smart next time" Lmao there won't be a next time because I see how shit the mods are (others agree). " Do you seriously want to go down this path? We can say a lot about your moderation of hypixel.

" "I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example." Can I just say how much I cringed at this. " Cringe can't be used as an argument ;)

" "I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement." why must I upload it soon? Also, Nrrillinthas is right lol" If you make a post to bring this to our attention, you should support your claim with evidence. If you make a post saying you "think" someone cheats (given you made the post on the forums, you probably want us to see it), then only upload evidence 3 months later, it really just reflects badly on yourself.

Paris_Labrador 喜欢这个

@Nrrillinthas That's not really a good comparison because it's a lot easier to cheat in this game. This game is a really short speedrun (basically always under 2 minutes), also it's mineplex.


@ButWhyMrManFTW okay why the hell did you mention this over a forum post? I mean it was okay for me to do it on Pyxel because I actually had evidence which was presentable.

Also just because someone is new to the DE community doesn't mean they aren't good at parkour. With the right strats any good parkourer could get a WR, hell these maps are so easy.

@Nrrillinthas just because the statistics say 57 people have gone for a WR, which by the way wasn't implemented until late 2015, after the bulk of people were competitive for speedrunning. I have experience as a moderator myself, and it's easy to find evidence of someone speeding up, which I did at the time. What's hard to do as a moderator is present the evidence in a good manner that seems accurate. Pyxelated's evidence was blatantly obvious (for me and 3 people I pointed it out to (lol)).

Also on the other hand look at Mineplex's player base. If you go into just about any game (not really DE because the barriers have scared hackers away honestly) you have a pretty good chance of running into a hacker. Definitely more than 7% of Mineplex players have hacked at some point, and probably are hacking right now, and a good chunk of Minecraft players are at some point going to hack at some point.

On the other hand, ButWhy, you should be embarrassed for yourself. What good does it do to present this without any evidence. Even if you would pm a mod, at least have some claim for them to start on. Especially since you're now a mod on Hypixel for their speedrun site...

tac23tac23 喜欢这个

"I'm allowed to share thoughts and opinions here. Just because you don't like me and like Sparrow doesn't mean you have to take his side automatically or lean towards him. A real mod would know about that. Also, I don't have what ye mods would consider "proof". As I thought what I had against thermal and crafter was proof but according to ye, it's not. "Be smart next time" Lmao there won't be a next time because I see how shit the mods are (others agree). "I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example." Can I just say how much I cringed at this. "I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement." why must I upload it soon? Also, Nrrillinthas is right lol"

Okay ButWhy, what kind of reply is this anyways? Sure you can share opinions but the mods aren't going to investigate it if you don't even have any logical explanation. Also, a moderator shouldn't have to investigate your claim considering you're just saying "the person I suspect is SparrowGaming" like you just picked a speedrunner off of random.org? At least try to explain why you think they cheat and whether its sped up/frame cut...also if you want to talk about cringe look at your name (lol)

tac23tac23 喜欢这个
Greater London, England

hey France_DogMC

tac23tac23 喜欢这个
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