Help its my first run ever
2 days ago
United States

I've never speedrun a game before, ever. I′m ashamed to admit that this was the first place I came because it seems good for new/casuaI players. I'm wondering if this is active enough to ask for advice, but also just general advice for runs in general? God knows theres not an official walkthrough of this run, so I assume that it relies on more universal strats. This game has always been the place I wanna start just because of how small the community is. Plus I′ve got crazy nostalgia cause I′ve ′100%ed″ this game more than 3 times (it was my very first ′girl game′). The game is OBSCURE, but I love knowing there are people invested enough to speedrun at all, so I′m curious if any of you have tips, either about this game or even runs in general.

TLDR this would be my very first run and I want some tips

Tyekun 喜欢这个
New York City, NY, USA

This is a great game to speedrun for casuals because it doesn't rely on complex gameplay. Most of the run is about being familiar with the route of the game and being good at all the minigames, which will come naturally as you play through a few times. There aren't many tips that I could give; the run isn't difficult, it is just long.

My advice would be to try running ILs (individual levels) first; that's what the "Levels" tab above is for. I find it helpful to practice each Princess' world individually and get comfortable with them before doing a full-game run. I also recommend watching some of the submitted runs first to see the routing in action. You will get a feel for it quickly as you play, but it's always good to watch someone else do it as well.

kaelykopis 喜欢这个
关卡: Snow White
关卡: Cinderella
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