Minor addition to submission rules + new categories!
4 years ago

As of January 3rd, 2021, IGT displays in-game are mandatory.

Most runs used this anyway, but after realising this was never laid out in the ruleset I've decided to make it official. I received a run recently that used an auto-splitter instead, and it took me a bit of work to verify it was accurate. This makes things a bit easier for judging purposes and also means people don't have to go to the effort of setting up an auto-splitter!

Also, by popular demand - style-locked categories are now available! For now I've set up categories for every style other than Boulder, since Boulder is already the dominant option for Any%. Have fun handstanding your way to victory!

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
Yo_oreda 喜欢这个

May I make a suggestion? Imo it would be better if it was done more like Hades does it, where the weapon aspect, or in this case, the style, is displayed on the leaderboard, with all the runs on the same leaderboard. Then you can use the filter to sort by styles and only view runs done with a specific style. This would also mean that there could be more runs on the main Any% leaderboard, since every speedrunner technically could have a run for each style. This would also encourage people to try speedrunning with other styles, since I think it's pretty unmotivating to submit a run if it isn't gonna end up on the main leaderboard. Which might also be the case for other people, since only one run has been submitted to other categories. Considering the few runs on the leaderboard, it shouldn't be that hard to update, but let me know what you think.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

This is a good suggestion, I think! There hasn't been a lot of activity on the other boards, so I'll try to set this up. This is my first time moderating a board but hopefully I can figure it out easily enough. Will update in here once I've gone through the runs and listed everything!


OK! I had to learn a lot about speedrun as a site to make it work, but I've consolidated all the runs into a single board. Style is now a variable that you submit alongside your run, and the board shows your best runs for each separate style. I had to go through every submitted and obsoleted run to manually list the styles, so that was a bit of a slog. Hopefully this inspires more people to submit runs!

(Note - I couldn't find the old videos linked for evsnipe's obsoleted runs, so I listed them as boulder by default. If they find the footage of their old runs and they weren't Boulder, let me know and I'll update the board accordingly!)

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

I haven't actually made a run yet, I'm working on it, but what about a category for getting to a set number on the combo thing, like 50, 100, 200, and potentially 300?
