New routing ideas.
7 years ago
Massachusetts, USA
He/Him, She/Her
7 years ago

So in lieu of the patch, I discovered one thing.

It's still possible to kill all the minions on the Dallis boat fight with just one deathfog barrel. That leaves one last barrel to use.

If we can come up a way to kill the advocate in 4/5 AP in one turn, then the rest of the run can still be doable in the way it is now.

The problem is -how- to kill adovcate quickly without the use of deathfog.

Massachusetts, USA
He/Him, She/Her
7 years ago

Actually nevermind, the deathfog seems to have RNG on how it spreads. I placed a barrel and did the fight three times, all had different results.

Drenthe, Netherlands

Yep, deathfog RNG on the boat is basically what killed the 2 barrel Alexander strat, when duping was still possible.

The best way to do the boat now is to put a deathfog barrel on top of a crate, that seems to make it spread further.

Then use the third barrel on Advocate, and instead just kill the Titan by stunlocking him.

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发布于 7 years ago
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