Save Manipulation and the birth of a new category.
4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

It was recently discovered by runner Ennopponetwelve that by opening 2 instances of this game, you could, take a completed game, and glitch the new game into taking in its save data, essentially beating the game or getting to the final city with all your levels and items quickly. Basically this glitch can be equated to switching out a memory card in the middle of a run, or incorporating a finished save file from a guide section and glitching the game into reading that save data instead.

The use of this glitch essentially renders the whole game moot and in a run, basically beats the game from the get go. However we don't want to ban this trick outright, as it is a way to beat the game. So a new category is being made for this glitch over on Duck Life Category Extentions, known as SAD or Save A Duck (Or a certain different abbreviation.) We will have a guide there showing what this glitch does, and hopefully down the line an explanation on how you can achieve this yourself. So, if you want to try it out for yourself, head on over to

GO_G_GAME, Cheggjon 2 其他 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA


TheGlitched64 喜欢这个
United States

In addition to this, we are adding the rule of "Only one copy of the game may be open throughout the run" to the entire series.

New Jersey, USA

You can now do this extremely easily without 2 copies open at the same time and it works on both version (Steam and Mobile)

This version is the entire reason NG+ exists