Emulator: Fuse 1.6.0
I'm happy to finish a decent new run. I do however have to note that during the first minute of the run, there was a weird recording issue. I'm not sure why it happened, maybe it was hard drive overload or something. While I'm one of the moderators on the leaderboard, I showed the problematic segment to others in the community, and they seemed to agree that it's fine when it comes to proving legitimacy. I also noticed that for a while during the attempts video, LiveSplit said "unknown world record" until a few seconds into this run when it went back to saying that chux4w has it. I can only guess it was an SRC outage or something. Finally, the autosplitter splits late, so this seems like a 13:32 to me rather than a 13:33 as the timer says at the end.