Respawn Glitch
7 years ago

I'll give a cookie to anyone who can figure out how to replicate this.

Valencia, Spain

Spawn zone has something kinda weird, while playing online you can see cars lean like lowriders


Watching your video I've noticed that when you hit restart your car does some kind of "instant teleportation". That restart feels a little bit quicker than normal and is accompanied by a white flash.

My theories to test are these: -The moment you pressed restart, the game decided to reset your car (which happens with a delay and white flash). These combined resulted in restart and then reset on the starting line. -Random bug caused by something "virtually" obstructing the starting line.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Isiparate 喜欢这个
Valencia, Spain

PojeBunny I think hes not in a "reset zone", but you're probably right, another thing I noticed is that on the crashes where your wipers go on if you restart "at the right timming" the wipers still going on at the start line. I think this happens if you pause just after the crash, if you take too long to pause wipers will be steady as normal once restarted, not sure its consistent or just randomly happens sometimes.


when you restart your not out of bounds in the game, but if the car goes into that zone in a certain amount of time, your car will reset in a place which offers an advantage at the start of around .2s, i have never completed a WR run with this spawn glitch, the most extreme case I encountered is in this IL run:

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

You are just gonna need to time it with some geographical thing in the map to try and get the consistency down, when your hitbox goes out of bounds after you get brought to the start it teleports you to the FIRST valid spot which is the metal boxes at the start line, your car goes into the out of bounds after you restart the race, if you see the white flash before the black its too late, any horizontal tearing of the screen also means your too late, if you just see the normal cutscene but no white flash you are too early.


@Gearem_FX would you be able to write up a step-by-step guide on this glitch? Looks like you've finally managed to figure it out. :) Does this work on every track with an out-of-bounds or only specific tracks?


thats literally all ik, ye i can go into specifics of how you know you've done it wrong, but i cant do anything more than that, tho i'll try

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
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