Update to Timing the Run (OCT 2023)
1 year ago
United States


Recently after much discussion between the current Top 3 runners, we’ve decided to change when we end the run’s timer.

Previously, one would stop the timer once the characters hand touches the floor in the final cutscene. This takes place 1 minute and 35 seconds (almost exactly) into an unskippable cutscene with no gameplay afterwards, making it pretty arbitrary. Now we will be ending the timer upon interacting with the cryopod (pressing F). It was a fun and sentimental time to have for a while but as this game grows and the time gets lowered, we’d like to have a more accurate display of how long it takes to beat this game through playing it.

Since there’s only like 10 runs on the leaderboard, I will go through and deduct 1:35 from all times to accommodate this new change. The next time we’d have an adjustment to the timing that I can foresee is if/when and auto splitter is made but that wouldn’t be as important or impactful to the leaderboard.

Thank you for understanding, feel free to message me or reply with any comments, questions, or concerns.

DillyDogz19 喜欢这个
United States

Really happy to see this change!

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