General Rules
3 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Here's a list of general rules, taken from original Crossy Road, regarding the game and some answers to questions we often get. Please Read.

  1. VIDEO REQUIRED - The preferable format of this is YouTube, but it doesn't need to be. Make sure other platforms are allowed to view your video, i.e. your video shouldn't be restricted to only being able to be viewed on YouTube. We won't accept videos that expire. You don't need to time yourself, the mods will fix it. Just estimate if you can't time. I recommend, as it's easy to find exact frames and works for YouTube and Vimeo videos.

  2. BEFORE YOU START - Make sure your video starts before the actual run does. Must show the screen with your character before you make your first tap.

  3. CHEATING - Cheating can either result in a warning, suspension, or ban, depending on the nature and severity of it. It is up to our discretion. The mods have more tools on their side than you might realize. Play fair.

  4. EXTRA CONTROLS - If you play PC, you can't remap your buttons. Make sure your runs go in the appropriate places. Mobile players can use controllers. Keyboards, however, are not allowed.

  5. CONTACT - Don't be afraid to message a mod. You can use this site or a mod's Discord (preferred), which should be view-able from their profile. If you would like your or someone else's run retimed because you have checked and found it to be incorrect, please message a mod. If you take issue with a mod, please message a mod of superior rank. -If you see a problem with a run, tell a mod so that it can be fixed. -Both on these forums and our discord page, be respectful. Unreasonable behavior can result in either a warning or a ban. For further questions/concerns, contact Oxknifer. -Redundant forum posts may be deleted. Don't take it personally.

  6. CHANGES - Rules are always subject to change. Sometimes more proof is required to uphold accuracy. "Grandfathered" runs may or may not be removed, depending on the change. As certain runs become faster and faster, we may ask you to submit extra evidence to back up an exceedingly fast run.

A tip would be to join the Discord pages to stay updated on anything happening in the community. Right now, we have the Crossy Road Disney Discord: Mobile Speedrunning Discord: and the general Crossy Road Discord:

Good luck Crossing!

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
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