7 years ago

I found these 2 skips while playing through this game recently : Well, trying to, as it keeps crashing on me D: If anyone is ever interested in running this, here you go :)

JackWalters, Pafi, Ellimist 喜欢这个

So, since someone is actually running this game now... Here's 3/4 of a skip! I wasn't the one who found it, I went by memory of a video from "cthulhuspeedruns" on youtube (the video was removed) I only saw it once without paying too much attention and never tried before now, so I'm not too sure how the flying works exactly (most times I tried I just fell down) If I remember correctly, you should be able to glide all the way to the end of that section. I fail here, and fall down mid-way, probably because I bumped something in-bounds I don't really have time right now to test it further, but you should be able to figure it out from there ! :D

wiekds Ellimist 喜欢这个
British Columbia, Canada

Interesting. Not sure what causes it, but it seems like this flying bug can happen in other areas of the game too. If you do Gilman skip in the first streets map, you can jump out of the door he opens and just start flying. By the way, we recently made a discord for CoC speedrunning if you're interested in joining:

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