Is Incandescent ReShade and/or sound mods permitted?
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Indandescent ReShade 2.0 simply makes DS3 look a bit more vibrantly colored and pretty with minimal or no penalty to framerate, depending on the potency of your video card.

I was also curious if I could submit a speedrun with my juvenile humor comedy mod titled DS3 Player Profanities, which makes the player character into a potty mouth.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

You run mods at your own risk and peril, if the moderation team disapproves of what's in your runs, they will be just be rejected.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

OK, that sounds fair. Neither of these mods affect the technical aspects of gameplay, so I predict they will be fine. Either way, I hope they will at least bring some amusement and laughs to at least a few folks.

ffleret 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

Sorry it's taking so long to finally get a presentable run recorded. On to attempt #24 to beat my last personal best time. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever git gud at this game.


The forums aren't meant to be used as your personal diary.

Daravae 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

Sorry about my previous wailing and blubbering, I will be more professional-like from now on with this forum.

Anyway, I submitted a run today. If it is rejected, I would appreciate being informed whether the rejection is due to:

  1. Obanon's Incandescent ReShade
  2. My DS3 Player Profanities sound mod (which requires Mod Engine)
  3. MSI Afterburner on-screen display
  4. Crash while traveling to Archdragon Peak

Regarding #4, either my reading comprehension is bad or the rule prohibiting IGT loading screen crashes is a recent addition to the base rules. My PC ALWAYS crashes at that point, and from experience I need to allow 30 seconds on the desktop before re-launching DS3 to prevent discoloration of my stream. I will download and try Crashfix for future runs.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

You are bad at reading the rules, I am afraid, as IGT loading screen crashes being disallowed is not new.

Massachusetts, USA

Thanks for the replies. I performed a clean install and added the Crashfix version of Darksouls3.exe, which will hopefully prevent that crash in the future.

Also, please disregard my speedrun submission today since it will be rejected due to the crash.


After quite a while, I decided to make this short instead of stalling just for your case:

Yesterday, myself and the three peeps (also a few non-speedrunners) listed below decided to spend time actually watching your fourth submission, which is still, at the end of the day, an unnecessary casual playthrough. (DS3 speedrunner/verifier) (DS3 speedrunner) (DS3 speedrunner)

It took me 2786 verifications spanned over six Souls games to finally, truly accept the fact that some users actually just completely waste verifiers' time, most likely on a daily basis too, which is worrying.

Somewhat unrelated but, unfortunately for you, February 2022 does not seem to be a very good month to be a Dark Souls III verifier, we already had to deal with a proper speedrunner being very disrespectul to Siegbruh, and very dishonest to me plus Horstz; might as well have tried to deceive all other Souls verifiers to cover himself too while he was going at it. Your case coming right after, given all the elements that Souls verifiers (all Souls games) have now, does not even remotely help thinking things are going to get better before Elden Ring actually releases.

Even more, also yesterday, after I was done going through your run, I went and asked caprices if he wanted to watch a run from luc1 (both runners listed below). I was even willing to give him some compensation in one way or another, for I disturbed his DS3 stream content/schedule ever so slightly. He agreed to commit to it for free just out of curiousity, he actually would just run Dark Souls III All Bosses Glitchless a bit after reaching his normal All Bosses goal, which is easily achievable. It was a very valuable experience, nothing will ever be on par with that this month, I can tell you that much. (DS3 speedrunner) (DS3 speedrunner)

The run from luc1 in question here is currently at the top of the Dark Souls III All Bosses Glitchless list: The bottom run in that very same list is a run from Kaevex:

After 2786 verifications spanned over six Souls games, I can tell what is kinda good and what is rather not. To quote myself from the SpeedSouls Discord server: "There are the unnecessary mods, the complete waste of verifiers' time, no semblance of a speedrun route (pretty much 100%-tier grabbing all items, killing all mobs [including the second Ancient Wyvern])." Your goal was to make people laugh a bit, if anything, well now instead long time Souls verifiers think you are just horribly malicious. I do not know where to sit with that exactly, because I always have hopes when it comes to fresh speedrun submissions in the Souls series' queue. That being said, I will never, ever give any credit to people throwing casual playthroughs at Souls verifiers anymore, your content was the last straw.

Your fourth submission will be rejected by myself, please actually try to be anyone's competition even remotely before the next one.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
SlowEstus, Mondkatze119 10 其他 喜欢这个

oh my gosh Flerret, just wtf, I didn't imagine it like that KEKW

this passage got me : " (pretty much 100%-tier grabbing all items, killing all mobs [including the second Ancient Wyvern]). "

even in casuals runs no one kills the 2nd wyvern Lul

Gin42_, Sieg, ffleret 喜欢这个

I imagine the speedrunners were more in disbelief than myself, because I have gotten used to people doing a lot of random nonsense in the slowest runs of the leaderboards for the games I verify. Legendary fourth submission was an eye-opener, though, I think I actually see things properly for the first time ever.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
0pinel 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

Perhaps my attitude to speedrunning is deviant. I’m more motivated by quantifiable self-improvement rather than the urge to out-compete other players. I find satisfaction in using creative problem solving to craft and refine a route, gradually pruning away regions and items as my play skill improves to the extent that I can survive the difficult bosses at a lower soul level. And, contrary to regarding my recent run as casual, I quite felt proud of my most recent playthrough since it was the fastest yet of an embarrassingly high number of playthroughs of the game.

Looking at the leaderboards, it’s obvious that, despite all the time I’ve put into practicing this game, my best time isn’t competitive with other players. Since this is the case, I added ReShade and my comedy sound mod to add some novelty to my video. I was hoping that these features, along with my gameplan that doesn’t follow the overwhelmingly popular plan of playing an Assassin wielding Sellsword Twinblades (since I simply LOVE playing Pyromancer), would make for a video that would be a refreshing novelty to whoever happened to click my video link. To read that people interpret me as malicious for doing this means that my intention has completely and utterly backfired.

But what really makes me feel bad and guilty is learning that verifiers have invested more than just a few minutes of their time to scrutinize this run. I erroneously presumed that (given that my run is so comparatively slow and “casual”) the process would only require looking at my mods (which I displayed clearly at the start) and scanning the submission for rules violations.

If I submit another run, it will be running the game stock, without mods. I will make only one more submission before Elden Ring, and only if I manage to prune away a significant chunk of my previous personal best.


When a run gets verified, it means the verifier watched the whole thing. When a run gets rejected, it means it could indeed be in just a few seconds because the obvious literally explodes in the verifier's face, and even then, it's not always true, it could be a pure waste of time before finding an issue. Your last submission will be rejected very quickly if verifiers, even outside of the Dark Souls III ones, do not consider it a speedrun. I would suggest not wasting your time unless you are that passionate about what you are doing.

Massachusetts, USA

In hindsight, I squandered too much time in my prior submissions collecting more power-ups than necessary because I lacked confidence in my ability to survive, and dying during a speedrun is obviously disastrous.

Today I looked at what strategies all the players in the No Bosses Glitchless category used. I was surprised to find that not only the very fastest, but practically all of the 29 players picked Assassin and finished the game with Sellsword Twinblades.

So, am I practically disqualifying myself as a casual player by picking pyromancer? Several months ago I made the decision to focus in on pyromancy and have since then put a lot of effort into first achieving a no-death run then working on improving my speedruns as a pyromancer.

I don’t think I can adapt to competently playing as an Assassin before Elden Ring arrives on the 25th, but I do think I can fulfill the requirements for this category in about 3:50:00 by dipping into sorcery for Hidden Body to get past the troublesome mobs. After all, I managed a sloppy 4:01:00 today with this strategy, despite a death and a several administrative errors.

In other words, I sincerely believe 3:50:00 will be near the limit of my capabilities by February 25th, but fear that even this achievement will be dismissed as casual and a waste of the moderator’s time.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

To be honest, the existence of Dark Souls III All Bosses Glitchless is an open invitation to the absolute worst, the best only being secondary, which is sad. If you do happen to waste a fifth submission, it is going to be solely on you. It has been going since August 2021, making Souls verifiers (one of the fastest squads I bet) spend extra time over nothing is already over. I actually stopped verifying a run to type my very last comment in this thread. Good luck.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Game Audio Requirement

Starting today, new submissions to the leaderboards require the game sound to be audible. Game music is excluded from this requirement.

This change shouldn't have a noticeable impact on submissions and common practice. However, we felt it is important to define this requirement in the ruleset.

1 year ago