New run type suggestion
4 years ago
Florida, USA

I'm thinking of adding a run type where you try to get a teammate to abandon a match in competitive mode and surrender. This might now be the best suggestion, but I think it would be fun to watch. Maybe organize the run by what rank of game (silver, nova, MG) and by what method was used to get the teammate banned

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

CSGOisaGame 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

more like speedrun to get the message in chat where it says "(player) abandoned the match and received a (time) competitive cooldown."

Franche-Comté, France

Yeah I see, but that's not possible because :

  • It would be completely easy to cheat
  • The wr would quickly be a guy randomly disconnecting at the beginning of the first round
  • What you propose is just a meme
CSGOisaGame 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

true... was worth a try lmao

Midi-Pyrénées, France

I do like the idea but as Evandar said, it's really hard to balance.

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