Other Recipes
4 years ago
California, USA

Just wondering why the other recipes from those packs don't have leaderboards. One could make the argument that paid DLC shouldn't be on the boards, but I would like to counter that by saying that not everyone has to be able to run every IL (let alone want to).

Scarletrunner GuacBloc 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

i think packs should be its own category, but recipe runs don't prohibit dlc being used either, it's really up to the mods

Scarletrunner 喜欢这个
Florida, USA

maybe a sub-category allowing DLC and one disallowing it because some people don't want to pay

Scarletrunner 喜欢这个
California, USA

I mean if there were ILs for alllll of the recipes instead of just the base ones, I'd definitely run them just to make both my purchase worth it and the mods' time with setting them up worth it.

Scarletrunner 喜欢这个
Iowa, USA

we're probably going to eventually set up more ILs. If you do an IL run of any recipe, DM me and and I'll personally set it up whenever there's a new one. An IL board would be great for this game so we can figure out which recipes are fast.

Scarletrunner 喜欢这个
发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago