Run taken down...
My co-op semper fi run was taken down...... You can easily time this by adding on the end loading screen which JonTrovolta or whatever his name is DID and I went back and timed the entire clip and it was correct. The entire run shouldn't be scrapped because of this. The rules were changed after I talked to the admins about these runs way back when this was all submitted...
编辑者 作者
You can probably just resubmit it with the new timing method and the new mods will probably accept it again. I think if they deny it they'll say why.
(Also, in my opinion, rule changes should remove old runs that break those rules from the leaderboard, even if they were legal when the run was submitted. Or at least moved to a "legacy" leaderboard category.)
编辑者 作者
BOZAK_115 喜欢这个
关卡: Little Resistance
关卡: Semper Fi
关卡: Hard Landing
关卡: Vendetta
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