Would the Infinite Minigunner Glitch be its own category?
4 years ago

I have the Windows 95 version where I can sell a Guard Tower or Advanced Guard Tower, hit S to stop it, get my credits back and keep the Minigunners. Easy to spam infinite. IGN cheat list says SAMs and Obelisks work for NOD.

Is this a "major glitch" that would need to be its own category or is this the version we should all be running? I see popular games like Donkey Kong Country where the most beneficially glitched version is the only one used.

Finally, would running on DOSBox be considered an official emulator? I have the C&C games bundle as well but Tiberian Dawn is very crash prone. Glitch also patched.

EulerTheGreat 喜欢这个
United States


I do not think you would be able to capitalize on the building and selling guard towers fast enough for it to make a huge impact.

Are you thinking about running levels or the whole campaign?

Hey! I learned the hard way that Minigunner spam can't break through the last few stages with Obelisks. Doesn't seem a huge impact to me either, especially given their slow speed.

Whole GDI campaign. I read how to install Windows 95 on DOSBox. I also read how the game speed operates on processor clock speed, making it impossible on modern processers, but we'll see. Just want to avoid The First Decade version since chance of game crash is too high on a full campaign.

United States

I used the ultimate collection. Also, for game speed it is the second fastest speed because that is capped unlike fastest.

You may need to download some of the community patches to get the game running.

NewSchoolBoxer 喜欢这个

3 years later, I haven't found my C&C CDs. The iso I could find online is a later version that removed infinite minigunners. That does bring up the question of what other differences there may be. Is a risk to buy the game used and hope it's the right version but we'll see.

I did buy a 2 GHz Windows XP laptop for cheap. XP has a Windows 95 compatibility mode so that would be sweet if I can run the game without an emulator. Got the VGA computer monitor ready to go.

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