4 years ago

Hi all,

I will always be looking to improve this category so if you have any improvements leave them as a comment on this thread. Also, feel free to join the discord to leave feedback or discuss runs!


I think the speed running category for king of Ireland is too broad and has some rng built into it .

Would be better if you would only be allowed to start as a certain count or better off only able to run a save file with the exact same setting .

So there would be no difference in what education, troop amount , council a player has.

This would lead to friendly competition trying to see what people could come up with to shorten the time of each run.

ep3o 喜欢这个

Makes sense in some ways, but it would also take away from the dynamic nature of of the run. I'm interested in what the community can come up without narrowing this down to a "specific" save file. Anyways, that RNG is the nature of CK3, and keeps the run interesting to me. The meta that will be created from only one savefile will make this more tedious rather than cerebral IMO. If there is to be any interest generated in CK3 speed running, it should revolve around that cerebral thinking and adaptability that you find in the normal game, rather than narrow guidelines one start-point presents

Captain-No-Beard 喜欢这个

@YummierGravy i get what you are saying i was just thinking that would save time instead of reloading over and over for that "perfect" starting point but thinking more on it i could definetly see some competition here maybe between the diplomatic education route and military education route.


On another topic @ep3o @Monojira please fix the leaderboard remove the in game time and keep real time as the only attribute.

First place right now is 18m but he is second because of his in game time does this look like a good leaderboard?

I can literally right now get in game play the first ever run on king of ireland get like 2 hours on it and be first place cause i have the least amount of game time.


@YummierGravy I also get what you're saying as well however, the best run would just be the run that had the best start due to RNG, which means there is not much control and the only way to improve would to get a better start. If we all ran from the same file the way to improve would be through strategy and new techniques within the game. As the kingdom of Ireland is a shortish speed run I think the ceiling for improvement on times will not be very high as there is only a certain amount you can change within 5~10 years so yes the speed run could become stale. I would love to hear yours and other's thoughts however!

@Balanse from what I saw in the CK2 speedrunning community in-game time was the main time to go off. From my own logic (as I wasn't around in the Ck2 era), I believe this is because if we went via real-time the fastest computer would win not the best player. Also, I think it allows for a more strategist approach rather than clicking super fast. Would love to hear @Monojira 's thoughts!

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
YummierGravy 喜欢这个
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

The rules are directly ported from CK2 leaderboards due to how the dynamic of CK speedrunning works. Way way way back we decided we wouldn't want to measure who can click the fastest and has the best gaming PC but rather who can be the most efficient in terms of ingame time spent to achieve goals, as that is a factor that requires the most skill and allows for the best optimization.

Regarding specific starting restrictions, we also believe, as Yummier said, that allowing a broader starting variety will allow for more testing of various strategies. Once a certain starting county etc. has been found, most people will flock to that anyways. But I wouldn't want to restrict usage of different strategies. If you look at how CK2's King of Ireland has changed, there used to be at least 5 different approaches before one was found that has been universally the most efficient. And yet some of the others are still valid.

Speedrunning doesn't need to be streamlined. There is no need for that. CK2 is not a game that supports your "start -> end" beat-the-game any% speedrunning that relies on timers etc. and hence the rule set.

Captain-No-Beard ep3o 喜欢这个
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Btw what's the purpose of limiting the starting option for Ireland? As the official achievement does not set such limit and I believe 867 start would be the faster starting option due to more CBs available.

Captain-No-Beard ep3o 喜欢这个

Yeah you’ve got a good point. Leaving any save files open allows for meta’s to develop as well

Västerbotten, Sweden

I just wanted to chime in a bit on the topic of real-time vs in-game time:

I've done lots of speedruns for EU4 and Vic2. On these leaderboards we have separate subcategories for each category, one for in-game time and one for real-time (the HOI4 leaderboards does this too). I think that's a nice compromise as it allows for both IGT and RTA to coexist without interfering with each other, and I think that makes sense since both subcategories can be interesting in their own ways and require very different skillsets (at least once runs become fairly optimized).

The biggest issue with RTA is of course how having a powerful computer gives you an unfair advantage, but that aspect can at least be mitigated by restricting the maximum game speed to 4. Speed 5 is basically just "as fast as your computer can run the game", which is very unfair, but speed 4 actually has a built-in cap so as long as your computer is fast enough to reach that cap, then it doesn't really matter and everyone can have an equal playing field (or at least mostly). The HOI4 leaderboards completely dissallow speed 5, while the EU4 and Vic2 leaderboards have separate subcategories for unrestricted RTA (which mostly exists for legacy reasons) and RTA No Speed 5.

So that might be something to consider, which would allow both those who want to compete with in-game time and those who want to compete with real-time to get what they prefer!

jontiben, ep3o, _frms 喜欢这个

Hello everyone Question about recording a video for speedrun confirmation. Do I have to record the entire speedrun at once? Or I can pause and load the save I stopped at. This question mostly belongs to the WC category. Just sitting +10 hours is pretty hardcore)

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
United States

@Valenthtain from the game rules:

[QUOTE]A run has to be completed within a single session.[/QUOTE]

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
ep3o Captain-No-Beard 喜欢这个

Hello everyone Can I use the character editor at the start of the game without exceeding 400 points? Yes, it is clear that at 400 points, the Iron mode will be saved, but still...


Yes! I've added this to the rules today. You're allowed to use the ruler designer (with the maximum of 400 points of course)

Valenthtain 喜欢这个
End of the monthly competition "Rise of the Ghurids"

(Taken from the discord, join it for more information)

Hello @CK3 people, March has ended in central Europe and with that the second monthly CK3 competition in the category "Rise of the Ghurids". It was quite a contrast to february, both in length, with all runs taking hours instead of seconds,

2 years ago
发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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