Why is there an All Engine category?
3 years ago

Magnus Carlson holds the record for highest elo ever achieved by a human, but a mere level 24 engine has a higher elo than that. I don't think anyone less than a literal god can even have a chance of beating level 25, so why does the category exist?

keeppressed 喜欢这个

The mods are ok with hints used in puzzles so maybe hint/ eval/ external engine is allowed for bots?

Nebraska, USA

i dont think any external help is allowed for bots.

United States

I the mods say it somewhere, but for bots losing to them also counts as completing that bot. See the all boys record if my explanation was confusing.


Actually, this is not true, since there is/was a bug where you can win by playing really fast, or by abusing move time. Here's one of my games lol Chess: Anonymous1212144 vs Komodo25 - 128840361 - Chess.com

Victoria, Australia

A bot over 2700 you can either lose draw or win

Mobile Timing Rule Changes

For the bot categories, I updated the mobile timing rules to make it as similar to web timing as possible. I plan to change other categories as well to make mobile/web timing as similar as possible.

This does mean that older runs may be timed "incorrectly" to the current rules. If you would like a

2 months ago