List of Segmented Runs / TASes (If the time ever comes)
Runners: Marda: @ScieCode (gold bird), @Th3on3C (white bird) Possible replacements: @Maxaraxa (Hello World TWR), @SaturnRunsGames, @NefariousMonkey (The pit TWR)
Grasi: @ScieCode (gold bird), @Th3on3C (white bird)
Winda: @ScieCode (gold bird), @Th3on3C (white bird), @TheHSbF6Leo (black bird) Possible replacements: @NefariousMonkey (Snake bite TWR)
编辑者 作者
Th3on3C 喜欢这个
Remade Marda in 60 fps with a bit more realistic transitions (still very fast [unrealistic] loads):
Th3on3C 喜欢这个
关卡: Jar #1
关卡: The Ambush
关卡: Grasi