any% Guide for advanced strats/tips
any% Guide for advanced strats/tips
更新时间 4 months ago petaQ

-There is no TAS yet so there may be other things lurking.

-Jumping is slower than top speed running by around 45-75 frames depending on where you are. You also end up losing your full acceleration.

-You cannot enter doors while holding 1 or 2. You need to press purely UP.

-You have 200 HP and lose 1 point per frame of contact with objects? I think. Note that the HP bar doesn't accurately track proportionate to HP left.

-For example: water puddles you walk over, are far worse than jumping through the air with water above.

-In level 4 (the floating stage), the good items will add 10HP each, and bad ones remove 10HP. So even if you finish level 3 with 1 HP you can finish level 4 with 121.

-A death costs about 6 seconds. The Dobbys in level 3 (word maze) only refill 60HP and are not worth it.

-The fastest method is to take an intentional deathwarp at the start of level 3, then go deathless for the rest. The deathwarp is easy, all that matters is how much risk you want to take going for a setup.

-I do a very precise full jump on a music cue at the beginning to min-damage, then again to get past the bucket. The aim is to survive with 191+HP to have a chance of running through the entire of the kitchen without any jumps, saving a bunch of time. If you time your first jump through water too late, you'll get hit by the second water and that's an automatic fail.

-If you're very accurate you can jump straight from the clock hand, to the flashing trigger, without the need to walk over the bell. I jump from the right side of 1 by moving for a tiny bit with running then doing a full jump.

-Clock numbers have collision underneath as well as on top. You can run straight across 3, and jump from the right side of 5 to get on to 6. If you use the outer few pixels of 7, you can jump so that you hit your head beneath 8 and fall to 9, but it's extremely unreliable and a run killer. In the same vein, be careful walking on to 9, try to go from nearer the middle of 8 than the right side. You can modulate jump distance in air. I don't think it's worth it given the HP volatility of the run. Similarly you can skip 11 and 12.

-To climb the venetian blind, I hold 2+U+R, then wait til my animation changes and press 1 to hop off. Otherwise you can lose your jump.

-When you exit a level you can hold 1+2 to buffer the cutscene away. Specifically after the first level if you are quick, you can then time an UP press as that cutscene is fading, to enter the next door before the screen appears.

-In the second stage you have to run on the spot on the table to get the trampoline to activate, bounce on it, then press pure DOWN off the chandelier. I do a full running jump on a music count of 10 then try to fall straight down, and do a standing leap to get through.

-In the kitchen proper, the first water does 30 damage, the gas fire does 35, the ice box does 81 and the cutlery does at least 45. If you run all the way through kitchen a bunch and keep dying, and want a safe run, you'll need to jump over the the ice box at the minimum as they do 81 damage. You can either jump the gas fire or the cutlery drawer as well but if your HP is that low, go back and work on your first area jumps.

-In the food puzzle, don't do anything except hold pure RIGHT. The game is just counting right movement frames, with two loops you can finish. Always buffer 1+2 before an ingredient page.

-In the third area you can optimally death by buffering a jump on to the water rather than running into it to save some frames. You must buffer a jump with U+R rather than just R, as the character faces left at the beginning. However, it is more reliable just to run straight through the water if you're using the 1 HP strat, as the sliding leaves you further beyond the water. I lost a run once with the jump strat because the game subtracted 2 HP from me before respawning me.

-Be careful with the hitboxes on the questions, especially quadrado.

-Be careful going through the first mousehole, you'll need to be on the right hand side to register the transport. The second one is easier.

-Always jump through bats, it costs just 10 HP. Sometimes if you're lucky you'll get a free pass through the next water drop too. You can jump the beetle on the first pass, then on the second if you want to gamble on running through it at a cost of 30 HP, you'll need to judge that.

-Be aware that if you land at the final bat when he's travelling right, you may need to wait him out to jump over, or consider ducking for safety. If you catch him just as he's above you you can jump on him to stun him. Any bat you're scared of, you can duck, this is better than jumping through water in this section only because after you deathwarp you have 200 HP and each jump costs a second.

-In the falling section:

Ignore banana peel

Collect the beer bottle

Collect the syringe

Ignore the razor

Ignore the sack

Ignore the apple core

Ignore the gas can

Collect the lumpy yellow thing

Collect the toothbrush

This repeats for 3 cycles, and on cycle 3, you need to be RIGHT of the sack to grab the umbrella.

-In the final level, any time you're climbing stairs if you hold UP+RIGHT+1 you'll keep your full accel.

-From a standing start anytime there's a book right in front of you in a bookcase, you can full jump and take just 10 HP damage.

-If you want to be perfect, you can mash 2 to fast jump over the nightmare library trolleys. In the final paintings room you might want to save a run by going up/down the first and last stairs instead.
