Discord invite live, and suggestiosn forr ules and categories
Stockholm, Sweden

Hello everyone!

late last year I volunteered as mod for this game and to create a discord. I have since approved a few runs but it wasn't until now that the discord was finalized. The link to the discord can be found on the game's page here on speedrun.

I also wanted to implement as suggested by the community, a 1CC category for each difficulty level, and also add game rules and category specific rules.

Suggestion for general game rules look like this:

"Time starts when character has been selected.

Time ends when last hit lands on final boss.

Please show difficulty selection on main menu in run submission

"here at the end I would do a list of allowed/banned emulators"

No cheats or boosters allowed."

For 1cc:

"For 1cc runs regardless of difficulty, the game must be beaten using no continues."

for any% runs:

"For any% runs regardless of difficulty, the use of all available continues are allowed."

Please let me know what you think either here or in the discord which you can join at any time and we can discuss all things Cannon Spike! (anyone who mods for Cannon Spike on speedrun.com will be a mod in the discord also if they want!)

I will hold off on implementing anything before hearing from the community as i don't want to overstep any bounds as a new mod for the game.

Take care all!