Trying to Learn the Run
3 years ago
Michigan, USA

I noticed that the (normal) WR holder was able to freeze the dog boss in place on the left wall while I was watching the video, and I can't figure out how. Do y'all have a document sheet or any form of tutorial available for others to use? The Resources/ Guides tabs are very dry bones, so any form will be welcomed.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
New York, USA

Hey. Unfortunately here are no tutorials for the Normal category afaik. I just copied existing runs and tried to improve upon any thing I could by trial and error. The Wolf Boss freeze I found by accident when I took damage as the boss turns around. You can set it up best in the beginning by walking to the right and then turn around at a specific spot and walk back towards the wall at the left and then turn back into the boss when it reaches you. I had maybe a 2 out of 3 success rate with it. You can do a similar thing with Renfield as well but the Wolf is much harder when you don't get the freeze.

Rossinberg 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA

Alright cool, I'll make a save state on those fights and try to get it down for the both of them. I also got to work on getting down platform patterns, as the later ones tend to screw me up the most. Thanks for the response though. I wasn't sure if I was going to get any sort for this game, since it's pretty quiet.

I haven't done any testing (since I didn't know how the freezing works) yet, but I think Dracula fight #2 might be promising. It's also one of those fights where if you hug the wall as close as possible, he can't hit you. Regardless, is the jumping route that you took on the stage before the Lucy boss fight consistent enough to go for every time? The enemies there seem to be too rough to ignore, but then I seen you just cruise through it.

Sorry I couldn't ask questions when you had the game fresh in your memory lol. It has been a bit since anybody tried this game as shown by the leaderboard.

New York, USA

Getting the early platform cycles (Wolf level and Asylum) and the cemetery level are the hardest parts of the game and also last level. One thing you'll notice, at least for me, is that sword slashing enemies can be inconsistent, due to enemy overlap which means one enemy doesn't take damage, and also I suspect the game does not deal damage on some frames. plus i suck at fast slashes/mashing. Jumping in the cemetery made the level much more consistent and can be managed with little practice, plus throughout the game i want to avoid unnecessary damage because it screws up where i can tank and death abuse/warp later in the run.

In the cemetery, after the checkpoint (which i death abuse at to get my health back) depending on the two patterns you can get with the upcoming knights, you have to either jump on a grave stone and jump over or kill one and jump thru. Basically you can take damage from birds but avoid it from the knights due to knockback. The next flat section and the downhill section are easier and consistent and the last flat section before the boss is the hardest. You can also bail out and just kill the enemies if your jump timing is off at that ending section.

Rossinberg 喜欢这个
发布于 3 years ago
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