New Category(s)
4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Recently, I saw a speedrun by boomie; a 3000 elo speedrun. That gave me the idea for other categories. Of course, 3000 elo has only been achieved by two people to my knowledge, so this category would be kind of barn. I was thinking a little more reasonable category, like Gold% or Plat%, where players would start at the default elo (whatever it is, I don't remember) and try to make it to gold or platinum tier.

It was just an idea. It would be interesting, to say the least.

Boomie's speedrun:

New York City, NY, USA

By rules, no matchmaking categories will be added. "At this time, we are not adding the following:

  • Short/Trivial Games
  • Generic Puzzle Games
  • Generic Typing Games
  • Geography Games
  • Vocabulary/Math and other Educational Games
  • Quiz Games
  • Generic Sudoku Solvers/Minesweeper Remakes/Rubik's Cube Solvers/etc.
  • Visual Novels/Interactive Movies
  • PvP-Related Activities
  • High-Score Based Submissions
  • Non-Video-Game Activities"

While there are in fact a few leaderboards on the site that violate this rule, Brawlhalla will not be one of them.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
DrBubster 喜欢这个