True Ending route
8 years ago
Cambridgeshire, England

Unfortunately, the route hasn't been shared, but you could ask Noishiru via Twitter. There are also a few scraps of notes on the SDA forum:

New York, USA

About the true ending, would it be alright for a mod to add a NG+ version of the category? I'd like to submit runs to that.

Cambridgeshire, England

Done. It's a subcategory under True Ending. Also decided to put Easy and Normal as subcategories for Any% just as a small clean-up. I might do that for Any% NG+ as well if anyone does NG+ Normal.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
New York, USA

Awesome, thanks. Also, there's a mistake in the true ending's rules; it says you need to be on Hard Mode to reach it, but this is not true, it can be attained on any difficulty.

PurpleSun 喜欢这个

I should honestly just remove my True Ending time since I never got a recorded video for it despite streaming. I never finalized my notes for it either, but I do remember what the post-Any% portion was like. The only battles done are the extra crystal bosses. During those the primary job to focus on is Arcanist while usually leaving one person as Black Mage to be able to kill the bosses. The goal was to get Status Amp, which is crucial for the final boss.

With Status Amp it's possible to sleep Ouroboros with 25% accuracy. This makes the last five fights (all the same boss) relatively safe as long as you can land the sleep. After that it's just managing turns and making sure you never go into negative turn counts in case he wakes up. It's a cheesy strategy but negates any need for grinding out extra levels.

My one run was more or less just a route test to see if it would work out in the end. That should be enough now for anyone that is interested to work with to rebuild the route.

SterlingCross 喜欢这个
Oregon, USA

@Noshiro: Hey, could I possibly get some of your notes? All I could find online regarding Bravely Default is the speedrun guide by Romi, and he only goes as far as the False Ending. I'm kinda casually trying to speedrun Bravely Default 100% and I think I am making some progress towards it, but I would like to see what you put down. Right now, I am currently going off Romi's Black Mage speedrun.


My run was before the route change that saves around 15 minutes. It was the same one that Romi used and made the tutorial for. I'm not sure if I ever made any small adjustments to it back when I ran the game, but it's probably worth watching either of the top two runs since they probably do slightly different things throughout the run.

If we're talking 100% routing, I never bothered with that kind of thing since it would involve Norende being completed meaning the run would be locked to a firm time due to it rebuilding in real-time. But if you're interested in just Any% notes I might have them somewhere still if I'm lucky.

Oregon, USA

Well, I think I might have came up with a great idea for the later boss fights in chapter 5 and beyond. I got this idea from a cheese build for BD: ()

Edea- Knight/Spiritmaster Skills- Hasten World, Speed 20%, Speed 10% Important Equip- Foxtail x2 Everyone Else- Time Mage/Sword Master Skills- Pierce M. Defense, Speed 20% Important Equip- Foxtail x2, Kenpo Gi, Red Cap, Hermes Shoes

Here's how a normal battle would go:

1st Turn Edea- Stillness + Attack Everyone Else- Brave x3, Free Lunch, Slowga, Veilga, Hastega

Edea- Stillness + Attack Two people- Brave x3 Free Lunch, Meteor, Meteor, Meteor One person- Brave x3 Free Lunch, Hastega, Slowga, Meteor

Of course this is the normal build, but since we are going for time, I was thinking we could cut the Fox Tails and the other exclusive Norende items, and instead of having to grind Swordmaster up to Lv. 14 for Free Lunch, we could just grind Red Mage up to Lv.5 so that we could get MP Free in a Pinch, negating the cost of Meteor.

What do you think of the idea?

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