spawn RNG in lvl 1?
3 years ago
Västra Götaland, Sweden

isnt there alot of rng in this game compared to boxel rebound? i noticed that i bounced differently sometimes when i reset the level, which kind of makes this game worse in my opinion for speedrunning compared to boxel rebound. or am i wrong? is there no rng?

New Zealand

There is no RNG as far as I know, you may be spawning at different heights due to different reasons like your computers speed. Boxel rebound has a glitch where if your computer is very slow, you get an extra boost at the start so it is even worse in my opinion.

New South Wales, Australia

There isn't rng but there are bugs that make the game perform differently and nobody can do 15 pixel perfect jumps in a row to maximize speed, so Boxel 3D is mostly skill but it takes a lot of time and dedication to do the 15 pixel perfects in a row (could be luck if you look at it that way). Also Boxel Rebound's level lag isn't even a glitch it's just loading the level which is part of the game and runs with level lag aren't accepted onto the leaderboards.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
ToastyMang0 喜欢这个
United States

the game has a glitch in certain instances you can retain values from a previous run in order to have that happen

发布于 2 years ago
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发布于 2 years ago
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