Any word on new loading times?
5 years ago

I was curious how much (if any) the new patch’s faster loading times would alter any of the categories. 100% will definitely be affected, but I don’t know if it would be enough or worth it for Any% with the potential trade-offs. Is anyone testing this?


Yes, it's being heavily tested in the Discord. For Any% Switch has a slight lead in timings by about 5 seconds aprox. For the rest of the categories Switch is heavily in favor due Divine Beasts and Shrines having faster in and out loads.

koko_yl 喜欢这个
Tennessee, USA

So the Switch version has potential to be sub 29 while the Wii U version doesn't? That would be awesome

Cantabria, Spain

I think that Wii U still faster for any% and great plateau any% but not for the rest of categories so Wii U has definitely more potential to be sub 29 than the switch

Friesland, Netherlands

Nah switch is timed to be faster by 5s for any% and more for plateau iirc

Cantabria, Spain

Now both versions are pretty similar but for what I know Wii u loads still a little bit faster

Friesland, Netherlands

No it loads slower


Wii U has more consistent loads in Any% while Switch are more erratic (specially overworld loads) but they overall beat Wii U by a bit. Switch is absolutely faster now for every category.

koko_yl 喜欢这个

And just to make it clear. Wiiu and switch can get sub 29

Wolhaiksong 喜欢这个