Block Toggle
Hi, welcome to the block Toggle speedrun page, here you will be speedrunning that following game. The links of the game are in the resources and the community web thingy. If you have questions feel free to ask!
Gaming_64 和 supercrazestar 喜欢这个
what about the timing: when does it start when does it end? I just did when you move it starts and when you hit the portal it ends. you should maybe specify in rules-
Gaming_64 和 LordParoah 喜欢这个
Oh yea, sorry ab that i forgot to add in the IL xd. Already added and better specified on the rules 👍
Gaming_64 喜欢这个
关卡: Level 6
关卡: Level 5
关卡: Level 4
关卡: Level 3
关卡: Level 2