NewGame+ Boss Skips
2 years ago
Idaho, USA

Hey all!

So recently, someone pointed out on one of my YT videos that in NewGame+ you can just walk past the Joker and get to the gas mixing in the final level, which is a decent time save there!

The same concept applies for the Trenchcoat Plant fight in Plant Electrocution 2 - we were originally getting an intentional death to despawn the mayor, but instead, you can just hop up to the walkway and walk past him.

Kind of a facepalm moment for me, honestly! Like, duh, in NewGame+ you have all the keys for doors already so of course you should be able to get through those doors haha.

I think those are the two relevant skips related to that, but I'll post here and in the Discord if I think of anything else.

ratn 喜欢这个
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