Category Suggestions
1 year ago
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Please post ideas for categories for mods to consider adding.

FlashZac 喜欢这个
Minnesota, USA

All books

Minnesota, USA

All Audio logs

Minnesota, USA


Minnesota, USA

All memos

Los Angeles, CA, USA

ghost train%

FlashZac 喜欢这个
Minnesota, USA

All Achievements

Minnesota, USA


Los Angeles, CA, USA

Death% Die by every single enemy in the game

British Columbia, Canada

I Got Three

YouTuber%: Listen To All The Audio Logs Who's Voice Actors Were Famous YouTubers Quest%: Beat The Game While Doing Betty, Steve And Shawn's Side Quests And Slicer%: Beat The Game With Carlie Chasing You

编辑者 作者 11 months ago