List of Glitches/Exploits for Glitchless to avoid?
3 months ago
Kent, England

Hey all, happy to be here.

So do we have a list of all the glitches/exploits that we would avoid if we were hypothetically going to run Glitchless? Cause I'm imagining some of this stuff toes the line.

I'm imagining cutscene skips would be allowed, but outlawed would be:

  • Any kind of combat roll climbing
  • Helicopter/Box Yeet
  • Climbing on invisible walls?
  • Ragdolling?
  • Save/Loading to un-aggro guards?

I'm not even 100% saying I'm gonna go for a Glitchless... but... it's there. It's right there.

Kent, England

I'd say yes to the first four for sure, though I'd be willing to allow the fifth one as that's not a glitch at all, just a feature.

I'm happy to hear others thoughts on it though.

Garlips 喜欢这个
Kent, England

That seems fair yeah. What about the climbing in Levels 1 and 3 (not box skip but climbing from skip to side of building) to get quote unquote "out of bounds"? Fair game so long as you're not using a glitch to access those areas?

Kent, England

Oh yes definitely, climbing up climbable geometry definitely isn't a glitch so that are for sure fair game.

Kent, England

How do we feel about Train Skip?

Also using save/load to avoid fall damage/dying? As Noduckras uses at points in his run, 25:26 for example. Also the use of ragdolling to avoid fall damage/dying as we potentially outlawed above at 30:40 in his run.

编辑者 作者 3 months ago
Kent, England

I'm streaming right now and about to go for a run but it's clear this category needs clearly defined rules - what is allowed, what isn't. Seeing as we have Noduckras already submitting for it (and his run validated), we are at the point where it should be in place.

Skåne, Sweden

Are you allowd safety saves in restricted? before rope jumps

编辑者 作者 3 months ago
Discord now up and running!

Hi All,

To save us the constant waiting for replies in the board forums, I have made a Discord for this game. I know there's not many of us, but I believe it will be a good way to share glitches, runs, starts and anything else that can contribute to speedrunning Bad Way in a more efficient way.


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