What constitutes a run for any% East Wind campaign?
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Hello, looking to do a speedrun of the campaign here. Any tips on when the timer starts and stops? Is the ending when the credits roll at the end?


23Banzaj 喜欢这个
Wielkopolskie, Poland

Hello, You Start The Timer When You Get Control Over The Character In Mission "Survive - Draw-Down 2035" (Character Is Standing In Front Of The Landing Pad) And You Pause Timer When You Lose Control Over The Character In Mission "Win - Paradise Found" As Soon As Screen Goes To Black. If You Have Any Further Questions, Feel Free To Ask. Regards, Matthew

(27.06.2019) Originally I Made A Mistake We Stop The Timer At The End Of The "Paradise Found" Mission Not In "Game Over Or Status Quo" Mission. I Am Sorry For Any Inconvenience.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
NerdyHydra 喜欢这个
Minnesota, USA

Thanks! I hope to submit a few runs messing with a few of the categories.

I presume Apex also has a similar rule of starting timer when the controls starts and ending when losing controls of the character just before the credits or credits starts rolling? I haven't played through Apex yet so I'm not sure what the ending looks like.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
23Banzaj 喜欢这个
Wielkopolskie, Poland

Exactly As You Said (As I Remember In Apex Protocol You Lose Control Over The Character When You Board The Helicopter Then The Cutscene Starts). Looking Forward For Another Runs From You. Good Luck!

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
Moderation Changeover

Hi there!

I'm Dan, frequent speedrunners of this game won't have heard of me because I've only done a couple of Arma runs before ':D, if you're on the Discord server, you'll likely know that 23Banzaj is resigning from (most if not all of) their sr.c mod positions, and I've offered to take up Arma 3

1 year ago