Speedrun and routing discussions?
8 years ago

Hello, I am new to actually trying to speedrun a game and this is the first one I've learned (any% all metroids), however, I don't know where people like Naatiska, DruidVorse, John, EOD, etc discuss any new strats or try to come with new routs if there is any place at all.

I tried to join the discord but it seems kind of daed to me, close to 0 activity almost, any suggestions on where this discussions might happen?

It would be cool to have a little more active place even if there is only a few people as long as it is somewhat more active.


New York, USA

The discord is pretty active at times. If you need help, just ask.

United States

Strats do get discussed on the discord every now and then, but there aren't that many new routing discoveries or strats right now.


Ok, thank you both for the replies