Best time humanly possible (as of 5/5/2021) in Featherly Hills
I think the best time we can achieve without any new tricks is a 5:53. I got this number by adding all the IL’s together for levels 1-15. Then I added 15 seconds for time spent on the world map (if you have a better estimate for world map time, tell me). That brings me to a final time of 5:53. I challenge jackzfiml to try for this time. -Jonotar the Tyranitar
it is not possible drawing birds is RNG and it is not possible to get perfect cards in one turn
jackzfiml 和 JonotarThe_Tyranitar 喜欢这个
ILs timing end change
As a result of a poll conducted in Angry Birds series speedrunning, the timing end for ILs is being changed to when the level completed screen pops up. (i.e. this)