If you have any problem with the leaderboard. Post about it here
7 months ago

This is the first time I have ever made a leaderboard for a game. If you guys have any problems regarding it, please post about it here

Setoalexander 喜欢这个
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
4 months ago

This is so sick and I think this is a good idea, but as it is, full area runs (nevermind full GAME runs) are a bit long. Before this leaderboard was created, I started running up to frank's betrayal in Woodstown, hoping to get this game up to this point, so congrats. So maybe consider having smaller categories that are easier for potential runners to start with? maybe? idk.


@Setoalexander Good idea! I added in a Frank's Betrayal category, as well as a Death category so that this leaderboard is a lil' bit more friendly to casual runners (If you don't see it, they are labelled as miscellaneous categories and can be seen by clicking on the arrow at the right)

(I have researched a bit of your videos. And I just wanna point out that for Frank's Betrayal, I have decided that the run starts at the Intro and ends at the final cutscene during the mission)

Setoalexander 喜欢这个
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 months ago

Gonna be honest did not see this before I saw the leaderboard up, but this is so great, thank you!

(ALso something should be done abt load times. They're not exactly great to have in a speedrun, and make up to a 1 minute (or longer depending on category and hardware) time loss. The issue is that we don't exactly have an autosplitter w/ load remover yet, so load removed times would have to be calculated by hands by the runner, or the timer would have to be manually paused by the runner, so... yeah.)


@Setoalexander Funny enough. I have actually been thinking of a solution for the load times. I was thinking of an autosplitter but I have absolutely no idea how anything works there :p. In the meantime, I will just retime runs without the load times and go from there
