Timing Rules Changed and Board Fix
2 days ago
Massachusetts, USA

Hey guys. For those that may not be aware, I held a vote within the community for everyone who's run the game to input their thoughts on the start time for the run. Out of the 18 people that were eligible to vote based on having a run completed, there were 7 votes total with just more than half the votes wanting to change the starting time to Character Selection. I will be going through all the runs currently on the board to edit the times as well as re-structure the boards themselves to try and get co-op submissions working properly with a 2nd name being able to be entered, which most likely means the main categories will be Any% Solo and Any% Co-Op with the second variable option to select between Modern and NES platforms. I will try and get everything straightened out as soon as I can so please bear with me during this transition period. Any runs in the queue will automatically get times adjusted once I get those set so no need to edit any of those runs at this time. I'll make a follow-up post in here once everything is set. Sincerely appreciate everyone who took the time to put their vote in and wish everyone the best of luck with whatever runs they're currently doing!

Massachusetts, USA

Alright all runs on the board (even those that are obsolete times) have officially been re-timed and corrected to reflect new timing rules. Boards have also been tweaked so we have a Solo category and Co-op category with the co-op cat finally able to enter a second player's name. Modern and NES have been swapped to the subcategory. Any modern run that features the use of 8-bit mode is still considered a Modern run. PLEASE feel free to contact me if there seems to be an issue with any run though, I was not 100% when I was starting the process but I did what I could to make sure no runs were actually lost.